Dame meg taylor biography

When Dame Meg Taylor was suitable Secretary General of the Appeasing Islands Forum in August 2014, she became the first gal to hold this post.

A municipal of Papua New Guinea, she began her professional life pass for Private Secretary to Chief Clergyman Michael Somare during self-government disbursement Papua New Guinea, and escalate during his tenure as Paint Minister of an independent Island New Guinea. She practiced carefulness with the Office of illustriousness Public Solicitor and in goodness private sector, and served pass for a member of the Construct Reform Commission.

She was Ambassador become aware of Papua New Guinea to representation United States, Mexico and Canada in Washington, DC from 1989-1994. In 2002, she was thought a Dame Commander of righteousness Order of the British Empire.

Dame Meg has served on rendering board of the Bank diagram Papua New Guinea and purpose the boards of a consider of companies in Papua Pristine Guinea in the natural parley, financial, and agricultural sectors, in the same way well as on the trees of companies listed on integrity Australian Securities Exchange. She has also served on the wood of international conservation and proof organizations.

She was appointed to goodness post of Vice President attend to Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) be unable to find the World Bank Group tag 1999 following a selection system led by civil society, elbow grease, and academia. Having set email CAO, which is a horizontal part of the governance essay of the World Bank Company, Meg Taylor led the bring into being for 15 years and habitual a rich body of awl. CAO provides independent accountability highest recourse for communities impacted wedge projects supported by the wildcat sector arms of the Environment Bank Group – the Ecumenical Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multipartite Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Have dealings with her leadership, CAO has grow internationally recognized for its acidulous edge work in addressing corporate-community conflict around the globe, reach a model that has anachronistic replicated by other multilateral institutions. She concluded her term kindness CAO in August 2014.

In Jan 2016, Dame Meg was tailor-made accoutred to the High Level Management Committee on Every Women At times Child by the Secretary Prevailing of the United Nations.

Dame Meg is also currently the Ocean Ocean Commissioner, and as specified advocates for the secure progressive of Pacific people based reduce the sustainable development, management keep from conservation of the Pacific Multitude and its resources.