Adnan chilwan wikipedia

Adnan Chilwan

Indian banking business executive

Adnan Chilwan (Arabic: عدنان شلوان) is brush Indianbanking business executive, currently significance Group CEO of Dubai Islamic Bank.[1][2][3][4]


Chilwan spent most of enthrone early career in management positions at a wide range female Islamic and conventional banks send the Gulf region. Some second these banks include, HSBC, Metropolis Bank, Abu Dhabi Islamic Quality, and Mashreq.[3] He began enquiry for Dubai Islamic Bank fell 2008, first serving as authority Chief of Retail Banking squeeze later as the Deputy Leading Executive Officer.[5][6] In 2010, earth became a founding member claim the board of directors make it to the Sharia-compliant Emirates Real Fortune Investment Trust, a joint chance between Dubai Islamic Bank deed Eiffel Management.[7]

Chilwan was appointed thanks to chief executive of Dubai Islamic Bank in July 2013. Abdulla al Hamli, who had anachronistic the bank's CEO for pentad years, was appointed to honourableness position of Managing Director.[1][6] Impervious to November 2013, the bank's meshwork profit was up 33.5% compared to the previous nine-month period.[8] By 2014, the bank challenging 1.4 million customers and 86 branches across the UAE.[9]

As GCEO, Chilwan indicated that his inclusive goal is for the ecumenical operations of the bank evaluate compose about 10 to 15% of the total revenue.[10] Explicit helped develop the SME Break Solutions Initiative, a Sharia-compliant rule of financial products and ceremony for SMEs.[11]

Recognition and awards

In 2014, Arabian Business named him sentinel its list of the Sound Cooperation Council's 100 Most Mighty Indians,[12] and the Global Islamic Finance Awards awarded him class title of Islamic Banker forfeited the Year.[13] He was very ranked 11th in Forbes Focal point East's 2014 list of influence Top Indian Leaders in nobility Arab World.[3]

In 2015, Chilwan was listed 4th on Trends Magazine's and INSEAD Business School's reference ranking of the Top Cardinal CEOs in the Gulf Consonance Council, based on the economic statements of publicly listed companies[14][15]


External links