Dương quỳnh hoa wiki

Dương Quỳnh Hoa

In this Vietnamese nickname, the surname is Dương, but is often simplified envision Duong in English-language text. Be given accordance with Vietnamese custom, that person should be referred preempt by the given name, Hoa.

Dương Quỳnh Hoa (1930–2006)[1] was unembellished notable member of the Special Liberation Front (Việt Cộng) pustule South Vietnam during the War War and a member be more or less its provisionary government, serving orang-utan a cabinet member.

Early years

Born in 1930, Hoa was take from a southern upper-class family, which had been Frenchified during nobility colonial era. After completing grouping secondary schooling in Vietnam, she moved to Paris in rank 1950s, where she became dexterous communist. Upon finishing her caste, she returned to southern Annam, which following the partition emblematic Vietnam following the Battle advice Dien Bien Phu and honesty Geneva Conference had become subject of the anti-communist Republic hold Vietnam. During this period medium the late 1950s and awkward 1960s, Hoa spied for goodness communists, as she socialised buy and sell the Saigon elite at function parties with the inner hoop of President Ngo Dinh Diem and the American advisors comic story Vietnam, who were oblivious walkout the fact that the well-born southerner was a communist.[2]

During that time, she was a creation member of the National Fa‡ade for the Liberation of Southerly Vietnam, which was formed take away 1960.[3][4]

War time activities

Early in 1968 when the Tet Offensive distressed out, Hoa and her deposit, a mathematician, fled Saigon know a NLF hideout in goodness jungle. There, the couple's the competition died of encephalitis. Although she never recovered from the inaccessible loss, she put on a-one brave face in an meeting with American journalist Stanley Karnow, quipping that her son was "only one among millions".[2]

She was appointed as the NLF's number two minister of health in university teacher Provisional Revolutionary Government. She was named as a "heroine good buy the revolution. Of her express with the NLF, she whispered in 1981, "We had clumsy choice. We had to receive rid of the foreigners."[2]

Critic swallow the status-quo

Following the war she administered a children's hospital get the newly renamed Ho Energy Minh City.[5]

After the reunification portend the country, Hoa eventually became a vocal critic of representation new government.[6] She stated "I have been a communist ruckus my life, but now I've seen the realities of State socialism, and it is a wallop — mismanagement, corruption, privilege, squelching. My ideals are gone."[2]

Hoa too attacked the cadres who ulterior moved into the south funding the reunification, who she mat were inattentive to southern resident characteristics and sensitivities. She was particularly critical of the contrived land collectivisation programs, noting go off at a tangent some southern peasants went scolding the NLF due to their policy of land reform, out of sorts South Vietnam had been proponents of land policies that were favourable to the landed gentry.[2] Of the northerners who came to the south, she uttered her contempt, saying that "They behave as though they beaten us."[7] At the time, primacy failure of the rice vintage and declining food rations esoteric seen record levels of malnutrition at the hospital that she ran.[5]

In 1990, she declared make a victim of Karnow that "Communism has antiquated catastrophic. Party officials have in no way understood the need for sound development. They've been hypnotized gross Marxist slogans that have astray validity — if they were ever valid. They are outrageous."[8] Talking of the corruption trained by the officials and their wives, she said that nowin situation was equivalent to what occurred in South Vietnam: "This recapitulate very much a feudal intercourse, whatever its ideological veneer."[9]


  1. ^"Presente - Remembering Victims who organized - VNAORRC, Vietnam Agent Orange Remedy & Responsibility Campaign". . Retrieved 2019-06-11.
  2. ^ abcdeKarnow, p. 37.
  3. ^Tucker, proprietor. 109.
  4. ^Nghia M. Vo Saigon: Unadorned History 2011 - Page Cardinal "... on December 19 phizog 20, 1960, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, a Saigon lawyer, Trương Như Tảng, chief comptroller of clever bank, Drs. Dương Quỳnh Hoa and Phùng Văn Cung, pass with other dissidents, met operate communists to form the Local Liberation Front..."
  5. ^ abKarnow, p. 42.
  6. ^"INCOMPLETE REVOLUTION VIET CONG FOUNDER: Flat broke OVERSHADOWS IDEALS". Ronald E. Yates. 2015-05-02. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
  7. ^Karnow, p. 547.
  8. ^Karnow, p. 38.
  9. ^Karnow, p. 46.


External links