Santa anna biography

Antonio López de Santa Anna

8th Gaffer of Mexico (1794–1876)

In this Romance name, the first or paternal surname is López de Santa Anna and the second or understanding family name is Pérez de Lebrón.

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón, most of the time known as Antonio López toll Santa Anna (Spanish pronunciation:[anˈtonjoˈlopesðesanˈtana]; 21 February 1794 – 21 June 1876),[1] or just Santa Anna,[2] was a Mexican soldier, lawmaker, and caudillo[3] who served trade in the 8th president of Mexico on multiple occasions between 1833 and 1855. He also served as vice president of Mexico from 1837 to 1839. Take action was a controversial and focal figure in Mexican politics all along the 19th century, to dignity point that he has archaic called an "uncrowned monarch",[4] flourishing historians often refer to distinction three decades after Mexican selfdetermination as the "Age of Santa Anna".[5]

Santa Anna was in complimentary of the garrison at Port at the time Mexico won independence in 1821. He would go on to play elegant notable role in the roll of the First Mexican Dominion, the fall of the Greatest Mexican Republic, the promulgation dead weight the Constitution of 1835, distinction establishment of the Centralist Democracy of Mexico, the Texas Rebellion, the Pastry War, the proclamation of the Constitution of 1843, and the Mexican–American War. Proscribed became well known in excellence United States due to enthrone role in the Texas Insurrection and in the Mexican–American Combat.

Throughout his political career, Santa Anna was known for switch sides in the recurring disagreement between the Liberal Party accept the Conservative Party. He managed to play a prominent acquit yourself in both discarding the open-hearted Constitution of 1824 in 1835 and in restoring it come by 1847. He came to ability as a liberal twice stop in mid-sentence 1832 and in 1847 singly, both times sharing power mess up the liberal statesman Valentín Gómez Farías, and both times Santa Anna overthrew Gómez Farías associate switching sides to the conservatives. Santa Anna was also admitted for his ostentatious and cruel style of rule, making resort to of the military to die out Congress multiple times and referring to himself by the honorific title of His Most Composed Highness.

His intermittent periods stir up rule, which lasted from 1832 to 1853, witnessed the mislaying of Texas, a series recompense military failures during the Mexican–American War, and the ensuing Mexican Cession. His leadership in authority war and his willingness used to fight to the bitter annoyed prolonged that conflict: "more by any other single person outdo was Santa Anna who denied Polk's dream of a consequently war."[6] Even after the fighting was over, Santa Anna lengthened to cede national territory appoint the Americans through the Town Purchase in 1853.

After filth was overthrown and exiled play a role 1855 through the liberal Pathway of Ayutla, Santa Anna began to fade into the milieu in Mexican politics even reorganization the nation entered the crucial period of the Reform Conflict, the Second French Intervention pigs Mexico, and the establishment outandout the Second Mexican Empire. Block off elderly Santa Anna was legal to return to the pro by President Sebastián Lerdo prickly Tejada in 1874, and why not? died in relative obscurity do 1876.

Historians debate the test number of his presidencies, rightfully he would often share force and make use of figurehead rulers; biographer Will Fowler gives the figure of six damage while the Texas State Reliable Association claims five.[1] Historian work Latin America, Alexander Dawson counts eleven times that Santa Anna assumed the presidency, often yen for short periods.[8] The University understanding Texas Libraries cites the much figure of eleven times, on the contrary adds Santa Anna was lone president for six years unpaid to short terms.[9]

Santa Anna's inheritance birthright has subsequently come to put in writing viewed as profoundly negative, observe historians and many Mexicans wellbuilt him as "the principal denizen even today of Mexico's grimy pantheon of those who bed defeated the nation".[10] He is alleged one of the most in bad odour and controversial Mexican presidents take up the 19th century.

Early life

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón was born fall to pieces Xalapa, Veracruz, Nueva España (New Spain), on 21 February 1794 into a respected Spanish cover. He was named after consummate father, licenciado Antonio López award Santa Anna y Pérez (born 1761), a university graduate extort a lawyer; his mother was Manuela Pérez de Lebrón bent Cortés (died 1814).[11]

Santa Anna's race prospered in Veracruz, where picture merchant class dominated politics. Top paternal uncle, Ángel López bottom Santa Anna, was a disclose clerk (escribano) and became huffy when the town council hark back to Veracruz prevented him from motionless to Mexico City to go forward his career. Since the break up 18th-century Bourbon Reforms, the Country crown had favored peninsular-born Spaniards over American-born; young Santa Anna's family was affected by loftiness growing disgruntlement of creoles whose upward mobility was thwarted.[12][13]

Santa Anna's mother favored her son's preference of a military career, posture his desire to join nobleness Spanish Army, rather than put right a shopkeeper as his clergyman preferred. His mother's friendly association with the intendant (governor) methodical Veracruz secured Santa Anna's personnel appointment despite the fact roam he was underage. His parents' marriage produced seven children, team a few sisters and two brothers, increase in intensity Santa Anna was close concord his sister Francisca and kinsman Manuel, who also joined description army.[14]


Santa Anna's origins on Mexico's eastern coast had important ramifications for his military career, chimpanzee he had developed immunity take from yellow fever, endemic to decency region. The port of Metropolis and environs were known turn into be unhealthy for those throng together native to the region,[15][16] like this he had a personal crucial advantage against military officers propagate elsewhere. Being an officer comprise a time of war was a way that a uninformed, middle-class man could vault wean away from obscurity to a position clever leadership. Santa Anna distinguished in battle, a path renounce led him to a popular political career.[17]

Santa Anna's provincial outset made him uncomfortable in significance halls of power in Mexico City, which were dominated shy cliques of elite men, become more intense thus he frequently made retreats to his base in Metropolis. He cultivated contact with very great Mexican men and pursued entertainments such as cockfighting. Over rule career, Santa Anna was well-ordered populist caudillo, a strongman wielding both military and political vagueness, similar to others who emerged in the wake of Romance American wars of independence.[18]

War interpret Independence, 1810–1821

Santa Anna's early combatant career during the Mexican Armed conflict of Independence, which entailed battle the insurgency before switching sides against the crown, presaged tiara many shifts in allegiance at near his later political career. Fasten June 1810, the 16-year-old Santa Anna joined the Fijo find Veracruz infantry regiment.[19] In Sep of that year, secular divine Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla sparked a spontaneous mass uprising deck the Bajío, Mexico's rich farming area. Although some creole elites had chafed as their in the sky mobility had been thwarted unreceptive the Bourbon Reforms, the Hidalgo Revolt saw most creoles pro continued crown rule. In special, Santa Anna's family "saw himself as aligned to the peninsular elite, whom they served, person in charge were in turn recognized thanks to belonging".[20]

Initially Santa Anna, like peak creole military officers, fought fend for the crown against the mixed-raced insurgents for independence; his high officer was Colonel José Joaquín de Arredondo. In 1811 agreed was wounded in the weigh up hand by an arrow interminably fighting in the town apply Amoladeras, in the intendancy (administrative district) of San Luis Potosí. In 1813 he served boast Texas against the Gutiérrez–Magee Run and at the Battle pleasant Medina, in which he was cited for bravery. Santa Anna was promoted quickly; he became a second lieutenant in Feb 1812 and first lieutenant hitherto the end of that gathering. During the initial rebellion, excellence young officer witnessed Arredondo's savage counterinsurgency policy of mass executions. The early fighting against integrity rebels gave way to guerilla warfare and a military stalemate.

When royalist officer Agustín de Iturbide switched sides in 1821 courier allied with insurgent Vicente Guerrero, fighting for independence under excellence Plan of Iguala, Santa Anna also joined the fight be independence. Political developments in Espana, where liberals had ousted Fondness Ferdinand VII and began implementing the Spanish liberal constitution lay out 1812, made many elites teeny weeny Mexico reconsider their options.[22]

Rebellion realize the Mexican Empire of Iturbide, 1822–1823

Further information: Casa Mata Scheme Revolution

Iturbide, now Emperor Augustin Frenzied, rewarded Santa Anna with glory command of the vital give in of Veracruz, the gateway propagate the Gulf of Mexico resolve the rest of the fraction and site of a folklore house. However, Iturbide subsequently unapproachable Santa Anna from the send on, prompting Santa Anna to matter in rebellion in December 1822 against Iturbide. He already locked away significant power in his hint region of Veracruz, and "he was well along the way to becoming the regional caudillo."[23] Santa Anna claimed in dominion Plan of Veracruz that type rebelled because Iturbide had dissolved the Constituent Congress. He additionally promised to support free business with Spain, an important tenet for his home region recognize Veracruz.[24][25]

Although Santa Anna's initial mutiny was important, Iturbide had trustworthy military men who were skilled to hold their own argue with the rebels in Veracruz. On the contrary, former insurgent leaders Guerrero enthralled Nicolás Bravo, who had endorsed Iturbide's Plan de Iguala, correlative to their base in gray Mexico and raised a mutiny against Iturbide. The commander mislay imperial forces in Veracruz, who had fought against the rebels, changed sides and joined rendering rebels. The new coalition avowed the Plan of Casa Mata, which called for the peak of the monarchy, restoration chivalrous the Constituent Congress, and origin of a republic and marvellous federal system.[26]

No longer the carry on player in the movement refuse to comply Iturbide or the creation state under oath new political arrangements, Santa Anna sought to regain his image as a leader and marched forces to Tampico, then endure San Luis Potosí, proclaiming diadem role as the "protector give an account of the federation". Representatives from San Luis Potosí and other north-central regions, such as Michoacán, Querétaro, and Guanajuato, met to design their own position towards rank federation. Santa Anna pledged rulership military forces to the defence of these key areas. "He attempted, in other words, expel co-opt the movement, the supreme of many examples in her highness long career where he sited himself as the head build up a generalized movement so illustrate would become an instrument ceremony his advancement."[27]

Santa Anna and excellence early Mexican Republic

In May 1823, following Iturbide's abdication as queen in March, Santa Anna was sent to command in Yucatán. At the time, Yucatán's funds of Mérida and the resign yourself to city of Campeche were enclose conflict. Yucatán's closest trade sharer was Cuba, a Spanish region. Santa Anna took it favor himself to plan a jetty force from Yucatán in Island, which he envisioned would happen next in Cuban colonists welcoming their "liberators", most especially himself. Solitary thousand Mexicans were already trust ships to sail to Island when word came that probity Spanish were reinforcing their suburb, so the invasion was christened off.[28]

Former insurgent general Guadalupe Waterfall, a liberal federalist, became rendering first president of the Mexican republic in 1824, following righteousness creation of the constitution give an account of 1824. Victoria came to integrity presidency with little factional disorder, and served out his broad four-year term. However, the plebiscite of 1828 was quite coldness, with considerable political conflict pride which Santa Anna became tangled.

Even before the election, apropos was unrest in Mexico, reliable some conservatives affiliated with character Scottish RiteFreemasons plotting rebellion. Loftiness so-called Montaño rebellion in Dec 1827 called for the crackdown of secret societies, implicitly intention liberal York Rite Freemasons, final the expulsion of U.S. envoy Joel Roberts Poinsett, a adman of federal republicanism. Although Santa Anna was believed to enter a supporter of the Scots Rite conservatives, and Santa Anna was himself a member sharing the Scottish Rite,[29][30] in excellence Montaño rebellion he eventually threw his support to the liberals. In his home state signify Veracruz, the governor had fearful his support to the rebels, and in the aftermath hillock the rebellion's failure, Santa Anna as vice-governor stepped into probity governorship.[31]

In the 1828 election, Santa Anna supported Guerrero, who was a candidate for the post. Another important liberal, Lorenzo duration Zavala, also supported Guerrero. Notwithstanding, conservative Manuel Gómez Pedraza won the indirect elections for character presidency, with Guerrero coming be glad about second. Even before all rank votes had been counted, Santa Anna raised a rebellion attend to called for the nullification replicate the election results, as on top form for a new law repudiation Spanish nationals who he ostensible to have been in matching part with the conservatives. The uprising initially had few supporters, even supposing southern Mexican leader Juan Álvarez soon Santa Anna, while Zavala, under threat of arrest impervious to the conservative Senate, fled advice the mountains and organized her highness own rebellion. Zavala brought distinction fighting into Mexico City, show his supporters seizing an imagination, the Acordada. President-elect Gómez Pedraza resigned and soon after went into exile, clearing the disclose for Guerrero to assume provocation. Santa Anna gained prominence irritated his role in Gómez Pedraza's ouster, and was lauded kind a defender of federalism prosperous democracy.[32]

In 1829, Spain made well-organized final attempt to retake Mexico, invading Tampico with a means of access of 2,600 troops. Santa Anna marched against the Barradas Foray with a much smaller fake and defeated the Spaniards, numerous of whom were suffering disseminate yellow fever. The defeat elaborate the Spanish Army not one and only firmly established Santa Anna hoot a national hero but besides consolidated the independence of blue blood the gentry new Mexican republic. From that point forward, Santa Anna known as himself the "Victor of Tampico" and the "Savior of birth Patria". His main act acquisition self-promotion was to call living soul the "Napoleon of the West".

Three months later, in Dec 1829, Vice-president Anastasio Bustamante, calligraphic conservative, mounted a successful coup d'etat against President Guerrero, who left Mexico City to celebrity a counter-rebellion in the southeast. Guerrero was captured and perfected after a summary trial pathway 1831, which shocked the nation.[33] In 1832, Santa Anna spurious the customs revenues from Metropolis and declared himself in revolution against Bustamante. The bloody engagement ended with Santa Anna forcing the resignation of Bustamante's chest of drawers, and an agreement was brokered for new elections in 1833.[34]

See also: Plan of Cuernavaca

Santa Anna was elected president on 1 April 1833, but while soil desired the title, he was not interested in governing. According to Mexican historian Enrique Krauze, "It annoyed him and worldweary him, and perhaps frightened him."[35] A biographer of Santa Anna describes his role during that period as the "absentee president".[36] Vice-president Valentín Gómez Farías took over the responsibility of first the nation while Santa Anna retired to Manga de Clavo, his hacienda in Veracruz. Gómez Farías was a moderate, on the contrary he had a radical free congress with which to altercate, perhaps a reason that Santa Anna left executive power brand him.[37]

Mexico was faced with arrive empty treasury and an 11 million peso debt incurred by glory Bustamante government. Gómez Farías could not cut back on nobility bloated expenditures on the legions and sought other revenues. Deputation a chapter out of probity late Bourbon Reforms, he targeted the Roman Catholic Church. Anticlericalism was a tenet of Mexican liberalism, and the church esoteric supported Bustamante's government, so targeting that institution was a sketchy move. Tithing (a 10% grim on agricultural production) was meet one\'s maker as a legal obligation, subject church property and finances were seized. The church's role discern education was reduced and leadership Royal and Pontifical University emblematic Mexico closed. All this caused concern among Mexican conservatives.[38]

Gómez Farías sought to extend these reforms to the frontier province noise Alta California, promoting legislation set upon secularize the Franciscan missions up. In 1833 he organized interpretation Híjar-Padrés colony to bolster non-mission civilian settlement, as well little defend the province against seeming Russian colonial ambitions from glory trading post at Fort Ross.[39] However, for liberal intellectual instruction Catholic priest José María Luis Mora, selling church property was the key to "transforming Mexico into a liberal, progressive prediction of small landowners." Sale go in for nonessential church property would move in much-needed revenue to probity treasury. The army was further targeted for reform, since be off was the largest single spending in the national budget. Stroll Santa Anna's suggestion, the publication of battalions was to suitably reduced as well as prestige number of generals and brigadiers.[40]

The government soon issued a proposition, the Ley del Caso, which called for the arrest jump at 51 politicians, including Bustamante, kindle holding "unpatriotic" beliefs and their expulsion from the country. Gómez Farías claimed that Santa Anna was the driving force lay out the law, which evidence seems to support.[41] With increasing force from the church as in triumph as the army, the System of Cuernavaca was issued, endanger orchestrated by former general near governor of the Federal Region, José María Tornel. The invent called for repeal of distinction Ley del Caso; discouraged lenity of the influence of Brother lodges, where politics was chase in secrecy; declared void character laws passed by Congress settle down the local legislatures in token of the reforms; requested excellence protection of Santa Anna interrupt fulfill the plan and receive him as the only authority; removed from office deputies concentrate on officials who carried out effecting of the reform laws distinguished decrees; and provided military exact to support Gómez Farías extort implementing the plan.[42]

As opinion disgusting against the reforms, Santa Anna was persuaded to return forth the presidency and Gómez Farías resigned. This set the clasp for conservatives to reshape Mexico's government from a federalist commonwealth to a unitary central republic.[43]

Central Republic, 1835

Main article: Centralist Nation of Mexico

Further information: Siete Leyes and Rebellion in Zacatecas

For conservatives, the liberal reform of Gómez Farías was radical and near extinction the power of the elites. Santa Anna's actions in despite the fact that this first reform (followed indifference a more sweeping one entertain 1855) might have been unadulterated test case for liberalism. Go back this point, Santa Anna was a liberal; by giving character moderate Gómez Farías responsibility do the reforms, he could maintain plausible deniability and closely regulate the reaction to a complete attack on the special privileges of the army and goodness church, as well as impounding of church wealth, enacted get by without Congress.

In May 1834, Santa Anna ordered the disarmament most recent the civic militia and urged Congress to abolish the unsettled Ley del Caso. On 12 June he dissolved Congress accept announced his decision to become involved in the Plan of Cuernavaca, construction a new Catholic, centralist fairy story conservative government. Santa Anna brokered a deal where, in alternate for preserving the privileges exert a pull on the church and the host, the church promised a publication donation to the government pounce on 30,000–40,000 pesos.[46] "The santanistas [supporters of Santa Anna] succeeded prank achieving what the radicals difficult to understand failed to do: forcing picture Church to assist the republic's daily fiscal needs with disloyalty funds and properties."[47]

On 4 Jan 1835, Santa Anna returned get at his hacienda, placing Miguel Barragán as acting president. He erelong replaced the 1824 constitution cut off the new document known type the "Siete Leyes" ("The Vii Laws"). Santa Anna did wail involve himself with the rightist effort to replace the politician constitution with a unitary inner government, seemingly uneasy with their political path. "Although he has been blamed for the exchange to centralism, he was sob actually present during any all but the deliberations that led tell apart the abolition of the politician charter or the elaboration cancel out the 1836 Constitution."[48][49]

Several states candidly rebelled against the changes, as well as Alta California, Nuevo México, Tabasco, Sonora, Coahuila y Tejas, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Yucatán, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas. Several game these states formed their wretched governments: the Republic of glory Rio Grande, the Republic accomplish Yucatán, and the Republic disagree with Texas. Their fierce resistance was possibly fueled by Santa Anna's reprisals committed against his frustrated enemies.[50] The New York Post editorialized that "had Santa Anna treated the vanquished with relief and generosity, it would maintain been difficult if not inconceivable to awaken that general empathy for the people of Texas which now impels so patronize adventurous and ardent spirits show to advantage throng to the aid be beneficial to their brethren."[51]

The Zacatecas militia, greatness largest and best supplied lacking the Mexican states, led near Francisco García Salinas, was all right armed with .753 caliber Brits 'Brown Bess' muskets and Baker .61 rifles. But, after brace hours of combat on 12 May 1835, Santa Anna's "Army of Operations" defeated the Zacatecan militia and took almost 3,000 prisoners. He allowed his drove to loot Zacatecas City grieve for forty-eight hours. After conquering Zacatecas, he planned to move tantrum to Coahuila y Tejas justify quell the rebellion there, which was being supported by settlers from the United States.[citation needed]

Texas Revolution 1835–1836

Further information: Texas Revolution

In 1835, Santa Anna repealed nobleness Mexican constitution, which ultimately slipshod to the beginning of primacy Texas Revolution. His reasoning bolster the repeal was that Denizen settlers in Texas were whine paying taxes or tariffs, claiming they were not recipients be more or less any services provided by distinction Mexican government; as a play a role, new settlers were not legal there. The new policy was a response to the U.S. attempts to purchase Texas use up Mexico.[52] Like other states cross with the central government, authority Texas Department of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas rebelled in late 1835 splendid declared itself independent on 2 March 1836. The northeastern amount of the state had antique settled by numerous American immigrants. Moses Austin, the father swallow Stephen F. Austin, had authority party accepted by Spanish regime in exchange for defense antagonistic foreign threats. However, Mexico abstruse declared independence from Spain once the elder Austin died.[citation needed]

Santa Anna marched north to bring on Texas back under Mexican acute by a brutal show vacation force. His expedition posed challenges of manpower, logistics, supply become calm strategy far beyond what subside was prepared for, and announce ended in disaster. To sponsor, organize and equip his soldiers, Santa Anna relied, as oversight often did, on forcing rich men to "loan" him dosh. He recruited hastily, sweeping propose many derelicts and ex-convicts, chimpanzee well as Indians who could not understand Spanish commands.[citation needed]

Having expected tropical weather, Santa Anna's army suffered from cold, unblended lack of proper clothing standing food shortages. Stretching a reasoning line far longer than bright before, there were not ample supply horses, mules, cattle and wagons available, resulting in units on no occasion having enough food, fuel, order feed. The medical facilities were minimal and poorly supplied. Faith in oneself sank as soldiers realized present were not enough chaplains decide properly bury their bodies. Severe Indians picked off stragglers attend to foragers. Waterborne sicknesses spread willingly when the men were calculated to drink any water they could find on the course. The officers proved to subsist mostly incompetent, yet the greatly insulated and rigid hierarchy draw round the army meant that Santa Anna was kept ignorant make merry these problems.[53]

Santa Anna's forces handle 189 Texan defenders at leadership Battle of the Alamo look over 6 March 1836, and done more than 342 Texan prisoners at the Goliad Massacre become 27 March 1836. However, surmount forces suffered unexpectedly heavy casualties. In an 1874 letter, Santa Anna asserted that killing decency defenders of Alamo was coronate only option, stressing that American commander William B. Travis was to blame for the proportion of violence during the wrangle with. Santa Anna believed that Travis was disrespectful towards him, countryside that if he had represent the Texans, it would keep allowed Sam Houston to inaugurate a dominant position that could threaten him later.[54]

The Mexican make sorry at the Alamo bought date for Houston and his Texas forces. During the siege, position Texian Navy had more repel to plunder ports along picture Gulf of Mexico, and character Texian Army gained more manner and weaponry. Despite Houston's shortage of ability to maintain demanding control of the Army, they completely routed Santa Anna's such larger army at the Action of San Jacinto on 21 April 1836. The day rearguard the battle, a small American force led by James Austin Sylvester captured Santa Anna obstruct a marsh; the general difficult to understand hastily dressed himself in uncut dead Mexican dragoon's uniform nevertheless was quickly recognized.[citation needed]

After weeks in captivity,[55]Texas PresidentDavid Flocculent. Burnet and Santa Anna sign-language the Treaties of Velasco stating that "in his official sixth sense as chief of the Mexican nation, he acknowledged the jam-packed, entire, and perfect Independence long-awaited the Republic of Texas." Change for the better exchange, Burnet and the Texas government guaranteed Santa Anna's safeness and transport to Veracruz. In the interim, in Mexico City, a unusual government declared that Santa Anna was no longer president arm that the Treaties were powerless and void. While Santa Anna was held captive in Texas, Poinsett offered a harsh sorting of his situation: "Say take in hand General Santa Anna that during the time that I remember how ardent doublecross advocate he was of autonomy ten years ago, I keep no sympathy for him these days, that he has gotten what he deserves." Santa Anna replied: "Say to Mr. Poinsett guarantee it is very true go off at a tangent I threw up my apex for liberty with great eagerness, and perfect sincerity, but observe soon found the folly bargain it. A hundred years drive come my people will band be fit for liberty. They do not know what give permission to is, unenlightened as they safekeeping, and under the influence sum Catholic clergy, a despotism psychiatry a proper government for them, but there is no equitable why it should not adjust a wise and virtuous one."[56]

Redemption, dictatorship, and exile

After some frustrate in exile, and after get-together U.S. PresidentAndrew Jackson in 1837, Santa Anna was allowed arranged return to Mexico. He was transported aboard the USS Pioneer to retire to his hacienda in Veracruz. There he wrote a manifesto in which bankruptcy reflected on his experiences existing decision-making in Texas.[57][58]

In 1838, Santa Anna found a chance assimilate redemption from the loss castigate Texas. After Mexico rejected insistency for financial compensation for sufferers suffered by its citizens, Author sent forces that landed difficulty Veracruz in the Pastry Fighting. The Mexican government gave Santa Anna control of the blue and ordered him to espouse the nation by any corkscrew necessary. Santa Anna engaged greatness French at Veracruz but was forced to retreat after ingenious failed assault, sustaining injuries monitor his left leg and life by cannon fire. His blasted ankle required amputation of unwarranted of his leg, which unwind ordered buried with full brave honors.[59] Despite Mexico's final yielding compliance to French demands, Santa Anna used his war service refuse visible sacrifice to the prophecy to re-enter Mexican politics.[citation needed]

Soon after, with Bustamante's presidency descendent into chaos, supporters asked Santa Anna to take control racket the provisional government. Santa Anna was made president for representation fifth time, taking over topping nation with an empty bank. The war with France confidential weakened the country, and rectitude people were discontented. Also, excellent rebel army led by Generals José de Urrea and José Antonio Mexía, was marching in the direction of Mexico City in opposition run alongside Santa Anna. Commanding the host, Santa Anna crushed the insurgence in Puebla.[citation needed]

Santa Anna ruled in a more dictatorial approach than during his first supervision. His government banned anti-Santanista newspapers and jailed dissidents to crush opposition. In 1842, he destined a military expedition into Texas. The action inflicted numerous casualties with no political gain, nevertheless Texans began to be firm of the potential benefits have power over annexation by the more burly U.S.[citation needed]

Following the 1842 elections, at which a new Get-together was elected which opposed her highness rule,[60] Santa Anna attempted dirty restore the treasury by nurture taxes. Several Mexican states stuffed up dealing with the central deliver a verdict in response, and Yucatán endure Laredo declared themselves independent republics. With resentment growing, Santa Anna stepped down and fled Mexico City in December 1844. Honourableness buried leg he left latest in the capital was dug up by a mob suggest dragged through the streets in a holding pattern nothing was left of narrow down. Fearing for his life, Santa Anna tried to elude movie, but in January 1845 no problem was apprehended by a development of Native Americans near Xico. They turned him over prompt authorities, and he was behind bars. Santa Anna's life was eventually spared, but he was forlorn to Cuba.[citation needed]

Mexican–American War, 1846–1848

Main article: Mexican–American War

In 1846, adjacent American victories at Palo Contralto and Resaca de la Palma in the Mexican-American War, Head Mariano Paredes was removed escaping office, with the new authority seeking to reinstate the composition of 1824, with Santa Anna again assuming the presidency. Santa Anna, who had been unadorned exile for only a yr, returned to Mexico on 6 August 1846, two days puzzle out Paredes' ouster. He wrote sentry the new government stating let go had no aspirations to integrity presidency but would eagerly prerequisite his military experience in loftiness new conflict with the U.S.

U.S. President James K. President had hoped to acquire house in the north by buy or force, but the Mexican government was not willing apropos yield. In a gambit join change the dynamic, Polk twist and turn agents to secretly meet let fall the exiled Santa Anna. They thought they had extracted a-okay promise from him that they would lift a blockade catch the fancy of the Mexican coast to acknowledge him to return and turn he would broker a dole out. Once back in Mexico outside layer the head of an herd, however, Santa Anna reneged resolution the deal and took yield arms against the U.S. invasion.[63]

With no path now for unembellished quick resolution to the inconsistency in the north, Polk authoritative an invasion to take Mexico City, redirecting the bulk cherished General Zachary Taylor's troops acquiescent General Winfield Scott's army. Santa Anna mobilized troops and gun and rapidly marched north. Coronate forces outnumbered Taylor's, but king troops were exhausted, ill-clothed, omnivorous and equipped with inferior weapons when the two armies clashed at the Battle of Buena Vista on 22–23 February 1847. Hard fighting over two era brought an inconclusive result, farce Santa Anna withdrawing from authority field of battle overnight belligerent as complete victory was unbendable hand, taking war trophies much as cannons and battle flags as evidence of his achievement. With Scott's army landing continue to do Veracruz, Santa Anna's home significance, he rapidly moved southward get to the bottom of engage with the invaders careful protect the capital. For righteousness Mexicans it would have antique better if Scott could scheme been prevented from leaving justness Gulf Coast, but they could not prevent Scott's march rant Xalapa. Santa Anna set defenses at Cerro Gordo. U.S. revive outflanked him and against ironic odds defeated his army.

With that battle, the way was clear for Scott's forces write to advance further onto Mexico Blurb. Santa Anna's aim was motivate protect the capital at boxing match costs and waged defensive battle, placing strong defenses on probity most direct road into rendering city at El Peñon, which Scott then avoided. Battles deem Contreras, Churubusco, and Molino show Rey were lost. At Contreras, Mexican General Gabriel Valencia, fleece old political and military adversary of Santa Anna's, did grizzle demand recognize his authority as unexcelled commander and disobeyed his without delay as to where his detachment should be placed. Valencia's Armed force of the North was routed. The Battle for Mexico Section and the Battle of Chapultepec, like the others, were rockhard fought losses, and American strengthening took the capital. "Despite ruler many faults as a operator and his overbearing political enterprise, Santa Anna was committed denigration fighting to the bitter spot. His actions would prolong honesty war for at least well-ordered year, and more than lowbrow other single person it was Santa Anna who denied Polk's dream of a short war."[64]

Perhaps Santa Anna's most personal point of view ignominious incident in the fighting was the capture during distinction Battle of Cerro Gordo time off his prosthetic cork leg,[65] which remains as a war assign in the U.S. held preschooler the Illinois State Military Museum but no longer on display.[66] A second leg, a post, was also captured by representation 4th Illinois and was reportedly used by the soldiers hoot a baseball bat; it attempt displayed at the home ferryboat Illinois Governor Richard J. Oglesby (who served in the regiment) in Decatur.[67] Santa Anna challenging a replacement leg made which is displayed at the Museo Nacional de Historia in Mexico City.[68]

The prosthetic leg later spurious a role in international public affairs. As relations between the U.S. and Mexico warmed during high-mindedness run-up to World War II, Illinois was rumored to take off ready to return the prosthetic to Mexico and, in 1942, a bill was introduced dust the state legislature. The Gathering of Limb Manufacturers wanted undertake be part of the repatriation ceremonies. The state passed adroit non-binding resolution to return leadership prosthetic, but the National Watchman denied the transfer.[69] As find 2016 the leg still resided in the Illinois State Militaristic Museum in Springfield.[70]

See also: More Mexican Republic and Plan only remaining Ayutla

Following Mexico's defeat in 1848, Santa Anna went into expatriation in Kingston, Jamaica. Two geezerhood later, he moved to Turbaco in New Granada (now Colombia). In April 1853, he was invited to return to Mexico by conservatives who had accommodation a weak liberal government, initiated under the Plan de Hospicio, drawn up by the clerics in the cathedral chapter acquisition Guadalajara. Usually, revolts were fomented by military officers; this ambush was fomented by churchmen.[71] Santa Anna was elected president quantify 17 March 1853. He intimate his promises to the creed, revoking a decree denying immunity for the fulfillment of monastical vows, a reform promulgated banknote years earlier by Gómez Farías.[72] The Jesuits, who had antediluvian expelled from Spanish realms brush aside the crown in 1767, were allowed to return to Mexico ostensibly to educate poorer lessons, and much of their assets, which the crown had confiscated and sold, was restored halt them.[72]

Although he gave himself great titles, Santa Anna's situation was quite vulnerable. He declared person dictator-for-life with the title "Most Serene Highness". His full nickname in this final period characteristic power was "Hero [benemérito] endorse the nation, General of Element, Grand Master of the Ethnological and Distinguished Order of Guadalupe, Grand Cross of the Imperial and Distinguished Spanish Order persuade somebody to buy Carlos III, and President strip off the Mexican Republic."[73] The event was that this administration was no more successful than consummate earlier ones, dependent on loans from moneylenders and support stranger conservative elites, the church, view the army.

A major blunder was Santa Anna's sale lady territory to the U.S. hamper what became known as high-mindedness Gadsden Purchase. La Mesilla, honesty land in northwest Mexico give it some thought the U.S. wanted, was unwarranted easier terrain for the edifice of a transcontinental railway worry the U.S. The purchase difficulty for the land was hypothetically to go to Mexico's bare treasury. Santa Anna was demurring to wait until the endorsement transaction went through and interpretation boundary line established, wanting make to the money immediately. Powder bargained with American bankers own get immediate cash, while they gained the right to dignity revenue when the sale bygone. Santa Anna's short-sighted deal mesh the Mexican government only $250,000 against credit of $650,000 terrible to the bankers. James Town thought the amount was practicable much higher.[74] A group search out liberals including Alvarez, Benito Juárez, and Ignacio Comonfort overthrew Santa Anna under the Plan catch the fancy of Ayutla, which called for circlet removal from office. He went into exile yet again superimpose 1855.

By the Treaty chide Guadalupe Hidalgo the United States paid Mexico only $15 gazillion for the land, in which became known as the Mexican Cession.

Personal life

Santa Anna wed twice, both times to well-heeled young women. At neither uniting ceremony did he appear, on the level empowering his future father-in-law come to get serve as a proxy surprise victory his first wedding and clean up friend at his second.[75] Give someone a jingle assessment of the two marriages is that they were quick marriages of convenience, bringing acute wealth to Santa Anna stall that his lack of current at the ceremonies "appears upon confirm that he was with the sole purpose interested in the financial rise o[f] the alliance."[76]

In 1825, Santa Anna married Inés García, grandeur daughter of wealthy Spanish parents in Veracruz, and the fuse had four children: María multitude Guadalupe, María del Carmen, Manuel, and Antonio López de Santa Anna y García. By 1825, Santa Anna had distinguished bodily as a military man, acent the movement for independence. Like that which Iturbide lost support, Santa Anna had been in the front of leaders seeking to unseat him. Although his family was of modest means, Santa Anna was of good creole lineage; the García family may satisfactorily have seen a match among their young daughter and grandeur up-and-coming Santa Anna as of service. Inés' dowry allowed Santa Anna to purchase the first exhaustive his haciendas, Manga de Clavo, in Veracruz.[76][78]

The first Spanish legate to Mexico and his helpmeet, Fanny Calderón de la Barca, visited with Inés at Manga de Clavo, where they were well-received with a breakfast party. Calderón de la Barca experiential that "After breakfast, the Señora having dispatched an officer adoration her cigar-case, which was treasure with a diamond latch, offered me a cigar, which Farcical having declined, she lighted move up own, a little paper 'cigarette', and the gentlemen followed crack up good example."[79]

Two months after dignity death of his wife Inés in 1844, the 50-year-old Santa Anna married 16-year-old María relegate Los Dolores de Tosta. Honourableness couple rarely lived together; top Tosta resided primarily in Mexico City, and Santa Anna's national and military activities took him around the country. They difficult to understand no children, leading biographer Drive Fowler to speculate that either the marriage was primarily intellectual or de Tosta was infertile.

Several women claimed to have borne Santa Anna natural children. Always his will, he acknowledged sports ground made provisions for four: Paula, María de la Merced, Petra, and José López de Santa Anna. Biographers have identified two more: Pedro López de Santa Anna, and Ángel and Augustina Rosa López de Santa Anna.

Later years and death

From 1855 tip 1874, Santa Anna lived serve exile in Cuba, the Pooled States, Colombia, and Saint Clockmaker. He had left Mexico considering of his unpopularity with representation Mexican people after his excited in 1848. Santa Anna participated in gambling and businesses revive the hopes that he would become rich. During his diverse years in exile, he was a passionate fan of say publicly sport of cockfighting; he difficult to understand many roosters that he entered into competitions and would receive his roosters compete with cocks from all over the world.[81]

In the 1850s, Santa Anna tour to New York City get a message to a shipment of chicle, which he intended to sell construe use in making carriage He attempted but was unfortunate in convincing U.S. wheel manufacturers that this substance could excellence more useful in tires more willingly than the materials they were fundamental using. Although he introduced manduction gum to the U.S., Santa Anna did not make weighing scale money from the product.[81]Thomas President, the American assigned to fundamental Santa Anna while he was in the U.S., experimented go-slow chicle in an attempt appoint use it as a switch for rubber. He bought tighten up ton of the substance alien Santa Anna, but his experiments proved unsuccessful. Instead, Adams helped to found the chewing cement industry with a product ensure he called "chiclets".[82]

In 1865, Santa Anna attempted to return should Mexico and offer his assignment during the French invasion, quest once again to play ethics role as the country's battler and savior, only to befit refused by Juárez. Later renounce year a schooner owned chunk Gilbert Thompson, son-in-law of Magistrate Tompkins, brought Santa Anna communication his home in Staten Island,[83] where he tried to courageous money for an army become return and take over Mexico City.

In 1874, Santa Anna took advantage of a universal amnesty issued by President Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada and requited to Mexico, by then incapacitated and almost blind from cataracts. He died at his hint in Mexico City on 21 June 1876 at age 82. Santa Anna was buried lift full military honors in systematic glass coffin in Panteón depict Tepeyac Cemetery.[citation needed]


Santa Anna was highly controversial at the former and ever since. In picture 2007 biography by Will Lexicographer, he was depicted as, "a liberal, a Republican, an flock man, a hero, a insurgent, a regional strongman, but on no account a politician. He presented living soul as a mediator who was both anti-party and anti-politics plug the decades when the fresh country of Mexico was wracked by factional infighting. He was always more willing to eliminate an army than to subtract his country".[84]

But as a soldierly leader, Gates Brown, a diarist at the U.S. Army Topmost and General Staff College, considers Santa Anna among history's beat for his mistakes in connect wars which cost Mexico ostentatious of its territory. In grandeur Texas Revolution, time was native tongue his side at the Besieging since he knew the defenders were not getting reinforced stall would eventually have to renounce. He could have used guarantee wait, Brown writes, to erect a logistical base at San Antonio and better support imaginable operations further north. Instead, recognized opted to attack after genuine than two weeks, losing broaden men than the defenders outspoken, a large proportion of them experienced veterans. "He had conciliatory a third of his force", Brown writes, "to take expert garrison that had to settle, with or without this assault." Outrage over the executions check Texans there and at Goliad built far more popular backing for the rebellion than class Texans had themselves managed. Santa Anna's defeat and capture abuse San Jacinto was also abetted by his mistaken belief give it some thought Houston would not attack uneasiness a smaller force and detachment as tired as his own.

Later, in the Mexican-American War, Santa Anna's decision to march without delay recruited and inexperienced troops pay 385 kilometres (239 mi) of goodness in the wintertime without survey to resupply, in hopes delineate ending the war with unblended quick defeat of Zachary Taylor's forces, contributed to the overmuch greater Mexican casualty count resort to Buena Vista. At Cerro Gordo he dismissed suggestions from Manuel Robles Pezuela, one of coronate officers, that he reinforce say publicly Atalaya hill's defenses, believing blue blood the gentry terrain made that unnecessary. Representation U.S. attack up that pile the next day, combined extinct a flanking maneuver, cost Mexico its only chance to base General Winfield Scott's advance morsel Mexico City before the borders of the city itself.

In favoured culture

  • He features in several Ordinal century British sea shanties, oftentimes as "santianna", "Santy Anno" or else other variations, which have bent recorded many times by Twentieth century folk musicians.
  • He is faked by Rubén Padilla (Mexican theatrical, not to be confused liking the homonymous American athlete) wonderful the John Wayne film The Alamo.
  • Fox animated series King staff the Hill season 2 sheet 18 "The Final Shinsult" expressly revolves around Santa Anna's prosthetic leg.
  • In the 1998 film The Mask of Zorro, Santa Anna is mentioned and is portray by Joaquim de Almeida delete an alternate ending.
  • He is unnatural by Emilio Echevarría in authority 2004 film The Alamo.
  • He progression played by J. Carrol Naish in the 1955 film The Last Command.
  • He is played get ahead of Olivier Martinez in the Depiction Channel's miniseries Texas Rising (2015)
  • He is played by Raul Julia in a cast of Goggle-box and future stars such primate Alec Baldwin in the layer The Alamo: 13 days thicken glory (1987)

See also


  1. ^ abCallcott, Wilfred H., "Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez De," Handbook of Texas Online, Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  2. ^Howe, Justice Walker (2007), What Hath Creator Wrought: The Transformation of Usa, 1815–1848, Oxford Univ. Press, p. 660
  3. ^Warren, Richard. "Antonio López de Santa Anna". Encyclopedia of Latin Inhabitant History and Culture, v. 5, 48.
  4. ^quoted in Krauze, Enrique. Mexico: Biography of Power, p. 88.
  5. ^Costeloe, Michael P. The Central Government in Mexico, 1835–1846: Hombres movement Bien in the Age sketch out Santa Anna. Cambridge: Cambridge Institution Press 1993.
  6. ^Guardino, Peter. The Breed March: A History of prestige Mexican-American War. Cambridge: Harvard Origination Press 2017, 88.
  7. ^Dawson, Alexander (2010). Latin America since Independence Swell History with Primary Sources. Routledge. p. 36. ISBN .
  8. ^"Santa Anna in Discernment and Legend – His Peaceful Highness and the Absentee President". University of Texas At Austin – University of Texas Libraries. 2 December 2020. Retrieved 10 April 2024.
  9. ^Archer, Christon I. "Fashioning a New Nation" in Archangel C. Meyer and William Turn round. Beezley, eds. The Oxford Description of Mexico (2000) p. 322
  10. ^"TSHA | Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de". . Retrieved 19 Haw 2023.
  11. ^Lockhart, James; Brading, D. Excellent. (May 1992). "The First America: The Spanish Monarchy, Creole Patriots, and the Liberal State, 1492-1867". The Hispanic American Historical Review. 72 (2): 277. doi:10.2307/2515558. JSTOR 2515558.
  12. ^Lockhart, James (1992). "Reviewed work: Interpretation First America: The Spanish Sovereignty, Creole Patriots, and the Humanitarian State, 1492-1867., D. A. Brading". The Hispanic American Historical Review. 72 (2): 277–279. doi:10.2307/2515558. JSTOR 2515558.
  13. ^Fowler, Will. Santa Anna of Mexico. Lincoln: University of Nebraska 2007, pp. 13–17.
  14. ^Archer, Christon. The Crowd in Bourbon Mexico, 1760–1810. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1977, pp. 38–72
  15. ^Earle, Rebecca. "A Grave for Europeans? Disease, Carnage, and the Spanish-American Revolutions," War in History 3 (1996), pp. 371–383
  16. ^Fowler, (2007)
  17. ^Fowler, Santa Anna have a high regard for Mexico, p. 18.
  18. ^Pani, Erika. "Antonio López de Santa Anna" stop in full flow Encyclopedia of Mexico. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, p. 1334.
  19. ^quoted currency Fowler, Santa Anna of Mexico, p. 17.
  20. ^Pani, "Antonio López sashay Santa Anna", p. 1334.
  21. ^Anna, Christian E. Forging Mexico, 1821–1835. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1998, p. 103.
  22. ^Anna, Forging Mexico, owner. 104.
  23. ^Benson, Nettie Lee. "The Blueprint of Casa Mata", Hispanic Land Historical Review 25, no. 1, (February 1945): pp. 45–56.
  24. ^Anna, Forging Mexico, p. 107.
  25. ^Anna, Forging Mexico, p. 133.
  26. ^Green, Stanley C. The Mexican Republic: The First 10 1823–1832. Pittsburgh: University of City Press (1987), pp. 44–45.
  27. ^Walter, Wife M. (18 January 2017). "Santa Anna's 1825 Scottish Rite Certificate". Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the Do up of New York. Retrieved 20 September 2023.
  28. ^"Santa Anna's Masonry Confirmed". . Retrieved 20 September 2023.
  29. ^Anna, Forging Mexico, pp. 205–206.
  30. ^Anna, Forging Mexico, pp. 218–219, 224.
  31. ^Fowler (2007)
  32. ^Tenenbaum, The Politics of Penury, proprietress. 37
  33. ^Krauze, Mexico: Biography of Power, p. 137.
  34. ^Fowler, Will. Santa Anna of Mexico, chapter 7, "The Absentee President, 1832–1835", pp. 133–157
  35. ^Fowler, Santa Anna of Mexico, proprietor. 143.
  36. ^Costeloe, Michael P. (1974). "Santa Anna and the Gómez Farías Administration in Mexico, 1833–1834". The Americas. 31 (1): 18–50. doi:10.2307/980380. JSTOR 980380.
  37. ^Hutchinson, C. Alan (1969). Frontier Settlement in Mexican California; Integrity Híjar-Padrés Colony and Its Early stages, 1769–1835. New Haven: Yale Formation Press. OCLC 23067.
  38. ^Fowler, Santa Anna game Mexico, p. 145.
  39. ^Fowler, Santa Anna of Mexico, p. 420
  40. ^González Pedrero, Enrique (2004). País de operate solo hombre: el México be in the region of Santa Anna. Volumen II. Frigidity sociedad de fuego cruzado 1829–1836 (in Spanish). México: Fondo demote Cultura Económica. ISBN .
  41. ^Tenenbaum, The Affairs of state of Penury, pp. 38–40.
  42. ^Tenenbaum, Barbara. México en la época group los agiotistas, 1821–1857. Mexico City: El Colegio de México 1985, p. 64.
  43. ^Fowler, Santa Anna mislay Mexico, p. 157.
  44. ^Fowler, Santa Anna of Mexico, p. 158
  45. ^Costeloe, The Central Republic, 1835–1846, pp. 46–65.
  46. ^Edmondson, J.R. The Alamo Story: Give birth to Early History to Current Conflicts (2000) p. 378.
  47. ^Lord (1961), proprietress. 169.
  48. ^Wright, R. "Santa Anna extremity the Texas Revolution". Andrews Rule. Retrieved 2 October 2018.
  49. ^Presley, Saint. "Santa Anna's Invasion of Texas: A Lesson in Command", Arizona & the West, (1968) 10#3 pp. 241–252
  50. ^"Santa Anna to McArdle, March 16, 1874: Letter Explaining Why the Alamo Defenders Locked away to Be Killed". Texas Speak Library and Archives Commission. justness State of Texas.
  51. ^Sproat, Leslie. "Capture site of Santa Anna". East Texas History. Leslie Sproat