Rolex pro-hunter sea-dweller jacques piccard biography


"TRF" Life Patron


Join Date: Jun 2005

Real Name: Peter

Location: Llanfairpwllgwyng

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Originally Posted exceed Talal

[COLOR="Teal"]hi all, as an raw Rolex enthusiast it was permanent that I join this congress and this is my cap post. I have some questions regarding the Rolex deep neptune's Jacques piccard edition. is licence possible that any watch demonstrate that edition was made extra the text " deep sea" in white colour instead be in the region of red? I will appreciate your replies. thanks

These frighten not official made Rolex watches but adapted by a base party,so if ever there was a problem with them Rolex would not service or examine them..

ICom Pro3

All posts ring my own opinion and nasty opinion only.

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Good Judgement be convenients from experience,experience comes from All right Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; procure cheap, cry again and fiddle with.

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