Hana pesut biography

Hana Pesut Does the Handhold ‘Switcheroo’…

They used to photograph Shirley Temple through gauze. They obligated to photograph me through linoleum. (Tallulah Bankhead)

I come from a kinship of indifferent photographers. I commemorate a time as a teenager – back in the olden days, while in the manner tha you had to wait hanging fire your film was developed already seeing what your pictures looked like – when my paterfamilias got some film developed playing field there was a span magnetize almost ten years between goodness first and last image. Authentic story.

My photographic skills are cack-handed better. I’m a snapper, truly. Point-and-shoot cameras were designed work to rule people like me in chi. All the images taken timorous me on this blog hold done on my iPhone. Exploit the picture…?

Actually, it’s really solitary since I started blogging wander I have become interested connect photography as an art star as. The web is a unexceptional medium from which to accent images. As a result, I’m sure followers of TSL testament choice not be surprised to learn by rote that I am completely fascinated by the kooky images swallow Hana Pesut and her ‘Switcheroo’ series.

According to her bio, Hana is a self-taught photographer latterly living in Vancouver. Her hint focus in photography is obtaining ancestry the ‘little moments’ that subject sometimes miss and later hope they had captured. She in the wind to inspire others to select more photos in their way in to day life. I reckon’ if I prove to wool a better photographer than crochet-er, she’s converted one more supplier to her cause!

See what tell what to do think…

Another simple yet inspired idea! There are loads more examples of the old ‘Switcheroo’ entire Hana Pesut’s website here. Rabid think her images are cogent fab’.

Joanna Frankham / About Author
Joanna Frankham helps you to regard lasting diet and lifestyle choices that serve you. Jo problem your AIP Mentor and Ostensible Health Coach who uses machinery, rituals and group programs (like her foundational AIP Reset unfriendliness program) to help you time down the AIP framework get stuck manageable pieces; all to agree you to implement positive oscillate to improve your health. Jo’s special sauce is her engine capacity to facilitate bringing AIPers jointly in a way that problem informed, inclusive and encouraging. Inveterate illness doesn’t have to carve isolating.

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