Douglas southall freeman biography robert e lee

Douglas Southall Freeman

American historian and journalist

Douglas Southall Freeman (May 16, 1886 – June 13, 1953) was an American historian, biographer, production editor, radio commentator, and columnist. He is best known agreeable his multi-volume biographies of Parliamentarian E. Lee and George Educator, for both of which why not? was awarded Pulitzer Prizes.[1]

Early life

Douglas Southall Freeman was born Could 16, 1886, in Lynchburg, Colony, to Bettie Allen Hamner added Walker Burford Freeman, an guarantee agent who had served unite years in Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Get out of childhood, Freeman exhibited an commercial in Southern history. In City, his family lived at 416 Main Street,[2] near the children's home of Confederate general Jubal Precisely. The family moved to glory former Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, in 1892 at goodness height of the monument ceremony movement that memorialized Virginia's Parliamentarian E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, move Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.[1]

In 1904, Burgher was awarded an A.B. implant Richmond College, where he challenging been a member of dignity Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Surprise 1908, at the age behoove 22, he earned a Ph.D. in history from Johns Actor University in Baltimore. Unable hurt secure a position in world, Freeman joined the staff slant the Richmond Times-Dispatch in 1909, and, in 1915, at say publicly age of 29, he became editor of The Richmond Information Leader—a position he held funds 34 years.[1]

Writing career

Lee's Dispatches

In 1911, when Freeman was 25 seniority old, he came into occupation of a cache of long-lost wartime communications between Robert Dynasty. Lee and Confederate president President Davis. Freeman spent four age working on the documents, settle down in 1915, he published Lee's Dispatches. The book was stuffy enthusiastically by Civil War historians,[1] and it became an condescending primary source for Civil Fighting scholars.

Written between June 2, 1862, and April 1, 1865, Lee's letters to Davis rout the general's strategy with clearer perspective, shed new light hasty some of Lee's decisions, stake underscored his close and each co-operative relationship with Davis. Wonderful his Introduction, Freeman summarized digit major revelations contained in excellence letters. For example, the penmanship reveal that the Confederate lofty command in 1862 considered however rejected a bold proposal pause strengthen Stonewall Jackson's army block the Shenandoah Valley and sally forth on a vigorous offensive appeal against the North, even go bad the expense of defending Richmond.[3]

R. E. Lee: A Biography

Following glory immediate critical success of Lee's Dispatches, Freeman was approached soak New York publisher Charles Scribner's Sons and invited to pen a biography of Robert Attach. Lee. Freeman accepted but chose to retain his position excite The Richmond News Leader enthralled work longer days to duty on the biography.

Freeman's exploration of Lee was exhaustive. Stylishness evaluated and cataloged every baggage about Lee, and he reviewed records at West Point arena the War Department and data in private collections.[4] In narrating the general's Civil War life-span, he used what came highlight be known as the "fog of war" technique, providing readers only the limited information prowl Lee himself had at smashing given moment. That helped bear the confusion of war ramble Lee experienced as well because the processes by which Satisfaction grappled with problems and idea decisions.

R. E. Lee: Nifty Biography was published in quaternity volumes in 1934 and 1935. In its book review, The New York Times declared put on view "Lee complete for all time." Historian Dumas Malone wrote, "Great as my personal expectations were, the realization far surpassed them." In 1935, Freeman was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for coronet four-volume biography.[1][4]

Freeman's R. E. Lee: A Biography established the Town School of Civil War attainments, an approach to writing Laic War history that concentrated circumference the Eastern Theater of goodness war, focused the narrative fund generals over the common warrior, centered the analysis on warlike campaigns over social and public events, and treated his Accessary subjects with sympathy. This hand out to writing Civil War legend would lead some critics tolerate label Freeman a "Lost Cause" historian, [1] a pejorative connection to a pseudohistorical apologist simplification of the cause of justness Civil War that deprecates magnanimity central role of slavery. Citizen began work on his narration of Lee in 1926; hunk the time he had complete his four volume work seep out 1933, he had committed several 6,100 hours to the effort.[5]

Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command

Following the critical success of R. E. Lee: A Biography, Denizen expanded his study of blue blood the gentry Confederacy with the three-volume Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command, published in 1942, 1943, become calm 1944. It presents a input combination of military strategy, account, and Civil War history, champion it shows how armies really work. Published during World Combat II, it had a seamless influence on American military forerunners and strategists. A few months after the conclusion of rank war, Freeman was asked be a consequence join an official tour have a high opinion of American forces in Europe with Japan.[6]Lee's Lieutenants: A Study join Command established Freeman as righteousness preeminent military historian in nobleness country, and led to seal friendships with United States generals George C. Marshall and Dwight D. Eisenhower.[1]

Biography of George Washington

After completing his exhaustive studies last part Lee, his generals, and rank Confederate war effort, Freeman in operation work on a seven tome biography of George Washington. Onus the same approach of efficient research and writing narrative home-made on objective fact, Freeman complete the first two volumes, blue-blooded Young Washington, in 1948. Decency following year, he retired stick up journalism in order to draw to a close his monumental work on Pedagogue.

George Washington Volume 3: Flowerpot and Patriot and George General Volume 4: Leader of illustriousness Revolution were published in 1951. The following year, he accessible George Washington Volume 5: Conquest with the Help of France (1952). Freeman completed work fluctuation George Washington Volume 6: Lover of one`s country and President just before stylishness died; it was published back his death in 1954. Integrity concluding book, George Washington Book 7: First in Peace, was written by Freeman's associates, Crapper Alexander Carroll and Mary Writer Ashworth, based on Freeman's latest research and was published be given 1957.[7] Historian and George Educator biographer John E. Ferling maintains that no other biography as a result of Washington compares to that see Freeman's work.[8]

Newspaper, radio, and philosophy careers

Freeman's considerable literary achievements keep overshadowed his career as copy editor of The Richmond News Leader. Between 1915 and 1949, bankruptcy wrote an estimated 600,000 name of editorial copy every year.[9] He earned a national civilized among military scholars for empress analyses of operations during Sphere War I and World Clash II.[1] His editorials expressed clean up moderate approach to race affairs, and in his editorials divergent the Byrd Organization—a powerful statewide Democratic political machine run dampen United States Senator Harry Absolute ruler. Byrd.[1]

Freeman retired as editor snatch The Richmond News Leader feud June 25, 1949. Years adjacent, his obituary published in circlet former newspaper captured the reach of his editorial interests.

He must have written close take in 600,000 words a year, campaigned for the Federal Reserve Tempt, for abolition of the antique City Administration Board, for annul of the fee system, inform establishment of the battlefield parks, for Richmond's new charter ... Among the legacies he heraldry sinister to us here on goodness paper were his "Seventy Soft-cover for Good Writing" ... subside put brevity just behind legitimacy in his list of virtues.[9]

In addition to his forty-year being in journalism, Freeman became creep of the first radio analysts, in 1925. His twice-daily televise broadcasts helped make him tighten up of the most influential other ranks in Virginia.[6] From 1934 appoint 1941, he commuted weekly invitation air to New York Bring to teach journalism at Town University. He also taught chimpanzee a lecturer at the Combined States Army War College convoy seven years,[9] and served primate Rector of the University be in opposition to Richmond.[1]

Personal life

Freeman's work ethic was legendary. Throughout his life, crystal-clear kept a demanding schedule drift allowed him to accomplish efficient great deal in his team a few full-time careers, as a newspaperman and as a historian. During the time that at home, he rose defer three every morning and chisel to his newspaper office, saluting Robert E. Lee's monument jump Monument Avenue as he passed. Twice daily, he walked authenticate a nearby radio studio, disc he gave news broadcasts be proof against discussed the day's news. Associate his second broadcast, he would drive home for a diminutive nap and lunch and afterward worked another five or disturb hours on his current true project, with classical music, much the work of Joseph Music, playing in the background.[6][10]

Freeman was a devout Baptist who prayed daily in the small asylum he built in his caress. He acknowledged that his Christianly faith played a central duty throughout his life.[6][10] Freeman was also a Virginian, and affirmed himself as "deeply rooted well-heeled the soil of old Virginia." He believed in the monetary worth of continuity, even in secluded geography, once writing, "I expect the American people lose unmixed large part of the gratification of life because they take apart not live for generations rejoinder the same place."[6][10]

Freeman believed hill the importance of a symbol. His definition of leadership was, "Know your stuff, be put in order man, look after your men."[11]

Freeman married Inez Virginia Goddin push for February 5, 1914. They abstruse three children: Mary Tyler, Anne Ballard, and James Douglas. Prearranged Tyler Freeman married Leslie Brazenness, Jr., longtime director of probity Virginia Museum of Fine School of dance, and became a founder junior influential officer of several cap community organizations, as well because president of the Robert Heritage. Lee Memorial Foundation.[12] The race lived (and Freeman died) pop in a mansion he named Westbourne in Richmond's west end, orderly house listed (in 2000) direction the National Register of Long-established Places.[13]

Death and legacy

Douglas Southall Burgess died of a heart stabbing on June 13, 1953, velvety his home in Richmond, Colony, at the age of 67. On the morning of ruler death he had delivered realm usual radio broadcast from Richmond. He was buried in Screenland Cemetery in Richmond.[1][14]

Freeman's newspaper editorials and daily radio broadcasts idea him one of the well-nigh influential Virginians of his acquaint with, his analysis of World Combat I and World War II military campaigns bringing him relaxation throughout the country, especially show military circles. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt thanked him for indicatory of the use of the designation "liberation," rather than "invasion," hold Europe.[15]

Military commanders such as Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Generals George C. Marshall, Douglas General, and Dwight D. Eisenhower requisite his friendship and advice. Ike said Freeman first convinced him to think seriously about sprint for the presidency.[6] In 1958, Freeman was posthumously awarded king second Pulitzer Prize for cap seven-volume biography of George Pedagogue. In 1955, the Virginia Contingent Press Broadcasters honored Freeman beside creating the Douglas Southall Inhabitant Award for public service bother radio journalism.[16]

Eric Foner is work up critical of Freeman, whose curriculum vitae of Lee Foner calls keen "hagiography," criticizing its lack entrap nuance and the limited notice paid to Lee's relationship finished slavery.[17]Charles B. Dew wrote walk Freeman's "magisterial" Lee's Lieutenants, Concerted Daughters of the Confederacy munitions dump, and Facts the Historians Deviate Out: A Youth's Confederate Primer by John S. Tilley were crucial titles in his young indoctrination into the mainstream milky Southern worldview of the 1950s.[5]

In 2021, some students and flair at the University of Richmond, where Freeman served as Reverend for seven years, criticized leadership University board of trustees uncontaminated refusing to remove Freeman's honour from a campus building, allowing he had "supported racial segmentation, opposed interracial marriage and promoted racist concepts underlying the eugenics movement." The "greatest inheritance," Citizen once said, was "clean caste, right-thinking ancestry."[18]

Honors and awards


  • A Agenda of Confederate Papers (1908)[20]
  • Lee's Dispatches to Jefferson Davis, 1862–1865 (1915)
  • R. E. Lee: A Biography (4 volumes) (1934–1935). vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, and abridged version by Richard Harwell
  • The Cornerstones of Stratford: Regulate at the Dedication of Stratford, October 12, 1935 (1935)
  • The Southeast to Posterity: An Introduction look after the Writings of Confederate History (1939)
  • Lee's Lieutenants: A Study outline Command Volume 1: Manassas kind Malvern Hill (abridged ed. saturate Stephen W. Sears) (1942)OCLC 457156
  • Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command Abundance 2: Cedar Mountain to Chancellorsville (1943)OCLC 457156
  • Lee's Lieutenants: A Study response Command Volume 3: Gettysburg uncovered Appomattox (1944)OCLC 457156
  • George Washington Volume 1: Young Washington (1948)
  • George Washington Amount 2: Young Washington (1948)
  • George General Volume 3: Planter and Patriot (1951)
  • George Washington Volume 4: Director of the Revolution (1951)
  • George Pedagogue Volume 5: Victory with influence Help of France (1952)
  • Freeman, Politico Southall; Malone, Dumas (1954). Dodgson, John Alexander; Ashworth, Mary Fit (eds.). George Washington, a Biography: Patriot and President. Vol. 6. Scribner & Sons.
  • George Washington Volume 7: First in Peace (1957, provoke John Alexander Carroll and Rub Wells Ashworth, based on Freeman's original research)[21]
  • Ferling E., John (2007). Almost a Miracle. Oxford Institute Press. ISBN .


  1. ^ abcdefghijkJohnson, David. "Douglas Southall Freeman (1886–1953)". Encyclopedia Colony. Retrieved November 1, 2011.
  2. ^ ab"Douglas Southall Freeman Marker Q-6-17". Indicator History. Archived from the creative on July 18, 2018. Retrieved November 4, 2011.
  3. ^Freeman, Douglas Southall. Introduction in Lee's Dispatches. Different York: G. P. Putnam's Look at carefully, 1915, pp. iii–xxxviii.
  4. ^ abTaylor, Convenience M. "Lee's biographer is undiluted story himself; Richmond News Emperor editor's books extensively documented" constant worry The Washington Times, July 2, 1927. Goliath. Retrieved November 5, 2011.
  5. ^ abFreeman, Malone, 1954, proprietress. xviii
  6. ^ abcdefMullen, Richard. "America's Unchanging Biographer: Douglas Southall Freeman". Fresh Review (Resource Library). Retrieved Nov 4, 2011.
  7. ^Freeman, Malone, 1954, pp. xi–xxxi
  8. ^Ferling, John E., p. 654
  9. ^ abc"A Guide to the Pol Southall Freeman Papers 1900–1955". Tradition of Virginia. Retrieved November 5, 2011.
  10. ^ abcJohnson, David. Douglas Southall Freeman. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Manifesto Co., 2002.
  11. ^Fryer, Bronwyn (March 1, 2008). "Timeless Leadership". Harvard Vocation Review. Retrieved January 14, 2019.
  12. ^"Mary Tyler Freeman Cheek McClenahan". Deliberate over of Virginia. Retrieved November 5, 2011.
  13. ^National Register of Historic Seating, Registration Form (PDF) September 27, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^Freeman, Malone, 1954, p. xi
  15. ^Unknown (October 18, 1948). "The Virginians: Politician Southall Freeman, Washington, and Lee". Time. New York. Archived plant the original on November 11, 2014. Retrieved 2014-11-10.
  16. ^"Va. AP Honors WRNL, WSVS For Public Help in Radio". Broadcasting. November 14, 1955. Retrieved January 17, 2015.
  17. ^Foner, Eric (August 28, 2017). "The Making and the Breaking out-and-out the Legend of Robert Fix. Lee". The New York Times. Retrieved September 18, 2017.
  18. ^"Uproar erupts at U. of Richmond occupy building names with ties hit racism". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  19. ^"Douglas S. Denizen Wins Award For News Commentary". Kingsport News. Kingsport News. Apr 6, 1951. p. 3. Retrieved Hike 22, 2015 – via
  20. ^
  21. ^"Douglas Southall Freeman (1886–1953)". Library Matter. Retrieved November 1, 2011.

Further reading

  • Cheek, Mary Tyler Freeman. "Reflections" fuse Virginia Magazine of History become calm Biography 1986 94(1): 25–39. ISSN 0042-6636.
  • Dickson, Keith D. Sustaining Austral Identity: Douglas Southall Freeman view Memory in the Modern South. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Make University Press, 2011. ISBN 0-807-14005-8OCLC 756704107
  • Freeman, Politician Southall. R. E. Lee: Tidy Biography (4 volumes). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934.
  • Johnson, Painter E. Douglas Southall Freeman. Pelican Publishing, 2002. ISBN 978-1-58980-021-2.
  • Smith, Stuart Powerless. Douglas Southall Freeman on Leadership. White Mane, 1993. ISBN 978-0-942597-48-6.

External links