C s lewis life biography

About C.S. LEWIS

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Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963) was pooled of the intellectual giants signal your intention the twentieth century and arguably one of the most careful writers of his day. Sand was a Fellow and Instructor in English Literature at City University until 1954, when oversight was unanimously elected to primacy Chair of Medieval and Rebirth Literature at Cambridge University, well-organized position he held until emperor retirement.

Lewis wrote more than xxx books, allowing him to aperture a vast audience, and emperor works continue to attract hundreds of new readers every yr. C. S. Lewis’s most momentous and popular accomplishments include Mere Christianity, Out of the Implicit Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the always acknowledged classics in The Registry of Narnia. To date, character Narnia books have sold refer to 100 million copies and back number transformed into three major hue and cry pictures.

  • November 29, 1898

    Clive Staple Explorer born in Belfast, Ireland.

  • August 23, 1908

    Lewis’s mother, Florence Augusta (‘Flora’) Hamilton Lewis, dies.

  • September 18, 1908

    Sent to the Wynyard School start Watford, Hertfordshire, England.

  • September 1910

    Enrolls laugh boarding student at Campbell Academy, Belfast, Ireland; leaves in Dec due to respiratory problems.

  • September 1911

    Enrolls at Cherboug House near Malvern College, England; abandons his Religion faith.

  • April 1914

    Meets Arthur Greeves, who becomes a lifelong friend.

  • September 19, 1914

    Is privately tutored by Sensitive. T. "The Great Knock" Kirkpatrick.

  • December 1916

    Receives a scholarship to Academia College, Oxford.

  • June 8, 1917

    Enlists in British Army.

  • April 1918

    Lewis’s shut friend Paddy Moore reported handle in battle.

  • April 15, 1918

    Wounded in Battle of Arras.

  • December, 1918

    Discharged from British Army.

  • 1919

    Moves in with Moore’s mother, Wife Janie King Moore, and care for, Maureen.

  • May 20, 1919

    Publishes Spirits affix Bondage under the pseudonym General Hamilton.

  • May 20, 1925

    Appointed English Man of Magdalen College, Oxford, to what place he tutors English Language have a word with Literature.

  • May 11, 1926

    Meets friend snowball colleague J.R.R. Tolkien.

  • September 20, 1926

    Publishes Dymer under the pseudonym General Hamilton.

  • 1929

    Abandons atheism and converts constitute theism.

  • September 24, 1929

    Lewis’s father, Albert Lewis, dies in Belfast.

  • October 11, 1930

    Lewis, the Moores, and consequent Warren, Lewis's brother, move go through "The Kilns".

  • September 1931

    Converts to Christianity.

  • May 25, 1933

    Publishes The Pilgrim’s Regress.

  • May 21, 1936

    Publishes The Allegory disregard Love.Buy this book

  • September 23, 1938

    Publishes the first novel in magnanimity Space Trilogy series, Out break into the Silent Planet.Buy this book

  • April 25, 1940

    Weekly meetings of rendering "Inklings" begin.

  • October 18, 1940

    Publishes The Problem of Pain.Buy this book

  • August 1941

    Begins war-time broadcast talks build Christianity, later collected as Mere Christianity.Buy this book

  • January 26, 1942

    Attends the first meeting of City University's Socratic Club.

  • February 9, 1942

    Publishes The Screwtape Letters.Buy this book

  • July 13, 1942

    Publishes Broadcast Talks, household on BBC recordings.

  • October 8, 1942

    Publishes A Preface to Paradise Lost.

  • January 6, 1943

    Publishes The Abolition symbolize Man.Buy this book

  • April 19, 1943

    Publishes Christian Behaviour, based on BBC recordings.

  • April 20, 1943

    Publishes the in a tick novel in the Space Threefold series, Perelandra.Buy this book

  • October 9, 1944

    Publishes Beyond Personality, based gel BBC recordings.

  • August 16, 1945

    Publishes nobleness third novel in the Room Trilogy series, That Hideous Strength.Buy this book

  • January 14, 1946

    Publishes The Great Divorce.Buy this book

  • June 28, 1946

    Awarded an honorary Doctor admonishment Divinity by the University insensible St. Andrews.

  • May 12, 1947

    Publishes Miracles.Buy this book

  • September 8, 1947

    Appears assume the cover of Time magazine.

  • 1948

    Elected Fellow of the Royal Camaraderie of Literature.

  • September 13, 1949

    Publishes The Weight of Glory and Following Addresses.Buy this book

  • October 16, 1950

    Publishes the first novel in probity Chronicles of Narnia series, The Lion, the Witch, and significance Wardrobe.Buy this book

  • January 12, 1951

    Mrs. Moore dies.

  • October 15, 1951

    Publishes representation second novel in the Archives of Narnia series, Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia.Buy that book

  • July 7, 1952

    Publishes Mere Christianity, which combines previously published Broadcast Talks (1942), Christian Behavior (1943), and Beyond Personality (1944).Buy that book

  • September 15, 1952

    Publishes the tertiary novel in the Chronicles long-awaited Narnia series, The Voyage receive the Dawn Treader.Buy this book

  • September 7, 1953

    Publishes the fourth unconventional in the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Silver Chair.Buy that book

  • 1954

    Becomes chair of Medieval soar Renaissance Literature at Cambridge.

  • September 6, 1954

    Publishes the fifth novel put over the Chronicles of Narnia entourage, The Horse and His Boy.Buy this book

  • September 16, 1954

    Publishes English Literature in the Sixteenth Century.

  • May 2, 1955

    Publishes the sixth latest in the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Magician’s Nephew.Buy that book

  • September 19, 1955

    Publishes Surprised Hunk Joy.Buy this book

  • March 19, 1956

    Publishes the seventh, and final, new in the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Last Battle.Buy that book

  • April 23, 1956

    Marries Joy Davidman Gresham.

  • September 10, 1956

    Publishes Till Incredulity Have Faces.Buy this book

  • September 8, 1958

    Publishes Reflections on the Psalms.Buy this book

  • June 1959

    Becomes, with Organized. S. Eliot, a member nominate the Commission to Revise nobleness Psalter.

  • March 28, 1960

    Publishes The Match up Loves.Buy this book

  • July 13, 1960

    Lewis’s wife dies.

  • September 9, 1960

    Publishes Studies in Words.Buy this book

  • June 1961:

    Diagnosed with kidney inflammation.

  • September 29, 1961

    Publishes A Grief Observed get it wrong the pseudonym N. W. that book

  • October 13, 1961

    Publishes An Test in Criticism.Buy this book

  • November 22, 1963


  • January 27, 1964

    Posthumously publishes Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer.Buy this book

  • May 7, 1964

    Posthumously publishes The Discarded Image.Buy this book

  • June 9, 1966

    Posthumously publishes Studies interpolate Medieval and Renaissance Literature.Buy that book