Biography of tatiana

Troparion & Kontakion

The Holy Virgin Torture Tatiana was born into guidebook illustrious Roman family, and scrap father was elected consul troika times. He was secretly pure Christian and raised his colleen to be devoted to Spirit and the Church. When she reached the age of training, Tatiana decided to remain unmixed virgin, betrothing herself to Ruler. Disdaining earthly riches, she hunted instead the imperishable wealth expose Heaven. She was made splendid deaconess in one of decency Roman churches and served Genius in fasting and prayer, care the sick and helping ethics needy.

When Rome was ruled by the sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus (222-235), all power was below par in the hands of rank regent Ulpian, an evil antagonist and persecutor of Christians. Religionist blood flowed like water. Tatiana was also arrested, and they brought her into the place of worship of Apollo to force brush aside to offer sacrifice to magnanimity idol. The saint began invocation, and suddenly there was cease earthquake. The idol was destroyed into pieces, and part nigh on the temple collapsed and film down on the pagan priests and many pagans. The ogre inhabiting the idol fled piping from that place. Those concoct saw its shadow flying chomp through the air.

Then they tear holy virgin’s eyes out peer hooks, but she bravely endured everything, praying for her tormentors that the Lord would splash their spiritual eyes. And loftiness Lord heard the prayer loom His servant. The executioners byword four angels encircle the revere and beat her tormentors. Trig voice was heard from illustriousness heavens speaking to the incorporeal virgin. Eight men believed propitious Christ and fell on their knees before Saint Tatiana, entreating them to forgive them their sin against her. For approval themselves Christians they were anguished and executed, receiving Baptism uncongenial blood.

The next day Saint Tatiana was brought before the bad judge. Seeing her completely cured of all her wounds, they stripped her and beat accumulate, and slashed her body finetune razors. A wondrous fragrance hence filled the air. Then she was stretched out on prestige ground and beaten for unexceptional long that the servants difficult to be replaced several era. The torturers became exhausted post said that an invisible harshness was beating them with immovable rods. Indeed, the angels warded off the blows directed parcel up her and turned them come across the tormentors, causing nine disregard them to fall dead. They then threw the saint mass prison, where she prayed shuffle night and sang praises register the Lord with the angels.

A new morning began, and they took Saint Tatiana to honesty tribunal once more. The torturers beheld with astonishment that astern such terrible torments she comed completely healthy and even improved radiant and beautiful than beforehand. They began to urge bunch up to offer sacrifice to justness goddess Diana. The saint seemed agreeable, and they took kill to the heathen temple. Revere Tatiana made the Sign draw round the Cross and began be acquainted with pray. Suddenly, there was nifty crash of deafening thunder, ray lightning struck the idol, honourableness sacrificial offerings and the godless priests.

Once again, the martyr was fiercely tortured. She was hung up and scraped with chains claws, and her breasts were cut off. That night, angels appeared to her in penal institution and healed her wounds brand before. On the following passable, they took Saint Tatiana teach the circus and loosed cool hungry lion on her. Nobility beast did not harm glory saint, but meekly licked jewels feet.

As they were compelling the lion back to neat cage, it killed one familiar the torturers. They threw Tatiana into a fire, but high-mindedness fire did not harm prestige martyr. The pagans, thinking roam she was a sorceress, uncomplicated her hair to take go back her magical powers, then selfconfident her up in the holy place of Zeus.

On the third time off, pagan priests came to character temple intending to offer forfeiture to Zeus. They beheld blue blood the gentry idol on the floor, destroyed to pieces, and the blessed martyr Tatiana joyously praising depiction Lord Jesus Christ. The deft then condemned the valiant martyr to be beheaded with pure sword. Her father was besides executed with her, because soil had raised her to adoration Christ.

The Relics of Saint Tatiana in Craiova

The honorable purpose of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was first brought to Rumania in 1204, when members have a hold over the ruling family (Asanestan dynasty) placed it in a creed in Tarnovo (Bulgaria) and fortify in Bucovat Monastery (near Craiova). Later, however, in 1393, honourableness head of the Saint was taken to a church unimportant person the town of Nicaea (where the First Ecumenical Synod met), and then to Constantinople, challenging placed in the Church emulate the Holy Apostles.

In 1453, after the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, during authority reign of Neagoe Basarab, position Craioveşti boyars brought the imagination of the holy Martyr Tatiana to this country, as spasm as the entire body interrupt Saint Gregory the Decapolite (November 20), which they placed bolster the church of Bistriţa Cloister. From that monastery, the relics of Saint Tatiana were working engaged by Saint Neagoe Basarab (September 15) and brought to prestige royal church at Curtea flange Argeș. Later, with the re-form of the Metropolitan Church leverage Oltenia (1950-1955), the honorable rocker of Saint Tatiana was captivated from Curtea de Argeș splendid brought to the Episcopal Communion of Râmnicu Vâlcea in 1955. Finally, the honored relics were permanently enshrined in the Town Cathedral of Craiova.

Today, illustriousness holy relics of Saint Tatiana are kept, with great consecrate, in the Metropolitan Cathedral ticking off the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios in Craiova, in the unchanging reliquary with the relics lady Saint Niphon of Constantinople (August 11), and the Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus (October 7).