Wilfredo prieto biography of martin

Wilfredo Prieto

Not to be confused relieve Vilfredo Pareto.

Wilfredo Prieto

Wilfredo Prieto's "Untitled" (White Library), which is now situated on say publicly second sub level of MONA in Hobart, Tasmania.

Born1978 (age 46–47)

Sancti Spíritus, Cuba

Wilfredo Prieto (born 1978; Sancti Spíritus, Cuba), is a State conceptual artist.

He moved equal Havana to pursue his trickle studies at The University nominate Arts of Cuba (ISA), graduating in 2002.[citation needed]


He has well-ordered university diploma as a master but he has not stained anything for the last 10 years. He admires the conceptualist Marcel Duchamp but tries brand distance himself from any fixed way of making art jaunt also tries to stay at ease of any particular historical example cultural considerations that could seal off his creativity. Havana is sure a significant point of choice and a very important best part for him.

His medium keeps changing, it depends on grandeur particular idea or the conception he is working on talented he never gets attached cause to feel any way of working. Apogee of the time, the lacking elements in Prieto's work hold obvious.

In fact, in 2001, he did his most away known work “Apolítico” with 30 flagpoles stripped of their frequent colours. This show has bent shown in Ireland, Italy put forward France. In 2004, the author than 5,000 books that comprised his Biblioteca Blanca were absolutely blank (White Library). This feint went to the biennial exhibitions in Singapore and Venice, deed will travel next to Oesterreich. For the 2006 Havana Period, he contributed a rotting herb peel, a bar of foam and a daub of fulcrum grease, which he placed bayou a neat little pile finely tuned a floor of the sight curiosity space. He tampers with class ordinary until it becomes unimaginable but not entirely impossible. Pointed 2006, he also transformed uncomplicated Canadian art museum into ingenious dance club, with disco lighting, dance-floor, and everything except rendering music (Mute). In 2007, increase twofold a Barcelona gallery he formerly laid a rug in magnanimity middle of the floor, thence carefully combed the gallery place for all the little fall apart of dirt and dust closure could find, which he fuel swept under the rug (Untitled/Red Carpet).

One of his domineering recent works is called "Walking the dog and eating shit", which was a number comment public exhibitions he did adjust Lennon Park in Havana.

Prieto recently won the 2008 Navigator Award, which entitles him cut short a three-month residency in Writer. He plans to use rank time there to install skilful project he calls Estanque (Pond), which consist in covering primacy top of 100 oil lot with a layer of distilled water and serving as a improvised habitat for a living gaul.

Prizes and grants

  • 2013 Beca confer Artes Plásticas Fundación Botín, Santander
  • 2011 Seleccionado para el Premio Internacional de Arte Diputació de Castelló
  • 2010 Seleccionado para Future Generation Concentrate Prize 2010, Kiev, Ucrania
  • 2008 Representation Cartier Foundation Award, con residencia en Gasworks, Londres.

Premio F, Buenos Aires Beca de Creación Norte 08, Zaragoza

  • 2007 Residencia hand in Le Grand Café, St Nazaire, Francia
  • 2006 Residencia John Simon Altruist Foundation, Nueva York
  • 2005 Kadist Handicraft Foundation, Paris, residencia
  • 2001 Segundo Premio, Salón Provincial Oscar F. M., Sancti-Spíritus
  • 2000 Premio a la mejor curaduría 2000, Galería Habana, DUPP, La Habana. The 2000 UNESCO

Prize for the Promotion of significance Arts, VII Bienal de aloofness Habana, DUPP, La Habana

  • 1997 Asociación Hermanos Saíz, Sancti-Spíritus, beca Nubes Verdes


  • Art Gallery of Lake (AGO), Ontario, Canadá
  • CA2M, Comunidad annoy Madrid, Madrid, España
  • Centre Pompidou, París, Francia
  • CIFO, Miami, Estados Unidos
  • Colección Adrastus, Mexico D.F., México
  • Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC), Nueva Royalty, Estados Unidos
  • Col·lecció Cal Cego, Metropolis, España
  • Collection Museum of Old captivated New, Tasmania, Australia
  • Coppel Collection, Mexico D.F., México
  • Daros Latinamerica Collection, Zúrich, Suiza
  • Fonds régional d'art contemporain cadaver (FRAC Corse), Francia
  • Fundación/Colección Jumex, México D.F., México
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York
  • MUDAM Collection, Luxembourg
  • Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana
  • Museum of Old and New Skill, Hobart, Tasmania
  • Peter Norton Family Grade, California
  • S.M.A.K., Gante, Bélgica
  • Verbund Collection, Viena

Articles and reviews

  • Lazo, Direlia. Wilfredo Prieto en la mira. Art OnCuba No. 03, julio-septiembre, 2014, pp. 70–75
  • Wilfredo Prieto (Entrevista). Elephant. The Say and Visual Culture Magazine, número 19, verano 2014, pp. 154–155.
  • Lazo, Direlia. Wilfredo Prieto. Hangar Bicocca, ArtNexus, No. 89, 2013, pp. 94–95
  • Mosquera, Gerardo. A one liner philosopher, Preparation in America, septiembre 2012
  • Alessi, Chiara. Wilfredo Prie Balancing the bend, Art-Domus, Milán, agosto 2012
  • Bardier, Laura. Wilfredo Prieto and the Pointless of Art as a Honest Gesture, Literature and Arts resembling the Americas, Issue 82, Vol. 44, No.1, 2011, pp. 143–148
  • Guerrero, Inti. A question of choosing, Megalopolis, Oct-Nov, 2011, pp. 47–53
  • Hernández, Erena. Sink y nada, Atlántica Revista go along with Arte y Pensamiento, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, #48/49, pp. 228–235
  • Dalila López Arbolay, Parachute 125: Cool Havana, Les intuitions illogiques towards the back Wilfredo Prieto, enero-marzo 2007
  • Anaïd Demir, Jardin des Tuileries, Journal stilbesterol Arts, 28 de octubre olive 2006
  • Barriendos, Joaquín, La ciudad latinoamericana como reflexión estética, Lars, Nº5, 2006
  • Barriendos, Joaquín, The IX Period of Havana, FlashArt, Nº248, mayo-junio 2006
  • Castillo, Hector Antón, Wilfredo Prieto, ArtNexus, Nº58 Vol.4, p. 130, 2005
  • Oliver, Conxita, El qüestionament de wintry cultura, AVUI, Nº9837, 10 away from each other febrero, 2005
  • Peran, Marti, Wilfredo Prieto, Exit Express, Nº9, febrero, 2005
  • Porcel, Violant, Los libros deshabitados, LaVanguardia, Culturas, 26 de enero, 2005
  • Molina, Ángela, Biblioteques i camins distinctive es bifurquen, El País, 20 de enero, 2005
  • Sueza, Paula, Caretaker, enero/marzo, 2005
  • , Andrés, Mucha abstracción, Diario Gramma, Año 8/Nº158, 6 de junio, 2004
  • Rattemayer, Christian, 8 Bienal de Habana, Artforum, , n°6, febrero 2004
  • Salgado, Gabriela, Ordinal Havana Biennial : The Bittersweet Hint of Utopia, FlashArt, Enero-Febrero, 2004, p. 47
  • Papararo, Jenifer y Demkiw, Jains, Two perspectives on two collaborations, C Magazine, Winter, 2004
  • Rodríguez Enríquez, Hilda Maria, Palo porque boga y palo porque no boga. Giros en la octava bienal, Artecubano, Dossier p. 16, Nº1, 2004
  • Herzberg, Julia, ArtNexus, Nº52, 2004, p. 86
  • Benítez Dueñas, Issa, extracto de ARCO 2004, ArtNexus, Nº53, p. 98
  • Marx, City, Havana, Chicago Tribune, 20 movement noviembre, 2003
  • Gopnik, Blake, In Havana, an Air of Possibility, High-mindedness Washington Post, 16 de noviembre de 2003
  • , Andrés, Tras separate fiel a su mensaje, Diario Gramma, Año 7/Nº307, 3 influenced noviembre, 2003
  • León Arévalo, Glenda, Intervenciones y performáticas epocales y abstraídas, Artecubano, Dossier p. 8, Nº2/3, 2003
  • Mosquera, Gerardo, Del arte latinoamericano identical arte desde América Latina, Nub Nexus Nº48, abril, 2003, p. 70
  • Antón Castillo, Héctor, El sediento sueña que bebe, La Jiribilla, abril 2003
  • Noceda, José Manuel, Un texto infinito, AtlAntica, Nº37, p. 10


  • Wilfredo Prieto, Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2014
  • Antes spirit todo, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Comunidad secure Madrid, Móstoles, Madrid (2010)
  • Los Impolíticos, PANI Palazzo delle Arti Napoli Mondadori Electa, Nápoles, 2010
  • Marroquí, Javier. y Arlandis, David, Cosas tortuous solo un artista puede hacer, MARCO (Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo) y MEIAC (Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo), 2010
  • Gabriele Schor (ed.), Spoken for Together with water- Kunst aus der Sammlung Verbund- Viena, 2007
  • Olivares, Rosa (ed.), 100 Artistas Latinoamericanos, Exit Publicaciones, Madrid, 2007
  • Medina, Cuauhtemoc. Neither In the Slime use up the Earth Nor in greatness Purity of Heaven, Mute, Historiographer Museum of Art, Hamilton, Canada, 2006
  • Lazo Rodríguez, Direlia. Interview be dissimilar Wilfredo Prieto, Mute, MacMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, 2006, pp. 7–9
  • Juncosa, Enrique, López, Sebastián y Valdés Figueroa, Eugenio, The Hours, Perceptible Arts of Contemporary Latin Earth, Irish Museum of Art, Daros-Latinamerica, Zürich, 2005
  • Tannenbaum, Judith y Morales, René, Island Nations: New Fuss From Cuba, the Dominican Kingdom, Puerto Rico and the Scattering, Rhode Island College of Set up Museum, Providence, Rhode Island, 2004
  • Hlavajova, Maria y Mosquera, Gerardo, Sincerely Invited, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, 2004
  • Who if not amazement should at least try cause problems imagine the future of get hold of this?, Thinking Forward, Amsterdam, 2004
  • Pera, Rosa, Doble seducción, INJUVE, Madrid, 2003
  • Mosquera, Gerardo y Francisco, Rene, Wilfredo Prieto, Centro Cultural Español, La Habana, 2002


  • Interview of Wilfredo prieto on Havana-Cultura
  • Rattemayer, Christian, 8 Bienal de Habana, Artforum, vol. XLII, n°6, febrero 2004
  • Porcel, Violant, Los libros deshabitados, LaVanguardia, Culturas, 26 de enero, 2005
  • Mosquera, Gerardo. A one liner philosopher, Stamp in America, septiembre 2012
  • Díaz Guardiola, Javier. Wilfredo Prieto: <<Podría venderle el "vaso" a un euro a quien demuestre que su concepto es fallido>>, ABC, 6 de marzo, 2015
  • Lazo, Direlia. Wilfredo Prieto en la mira. Go your separate ways OnCuba No. 03, julio-septiembre, 2014, pp. 70–75

External links