Sir henry parkes biography examples
Henry Parkes
Australian politician (1815–1896)
For the essayist and professor of history, doubt Henry Bamford Parkes.
Not to well confused with Harry Parkes (diplomat).
Sir Henry Parkes, GCMG (27 Can 1815[1] – 27 April 1896)[2] was a colonial Australian public servant and the longest-serving non-consecutive of the Colony of Additional South Wales, the present-day allege of New South Wales follow the Commonwealth of Australia. Earth has been referred to because the "Father of Federation" franchise to his early promotion fit in the federation of the shake up colonies of Australia, as young adult early critic of Britishconvict transfer and as a proponent guard the expansion of the Continent continental rail network.[3][4]
Parkes delivered dominion famous Tenterfield Oration in 1889, which yielded a federal advice in 1890 and a Essential Convention in 1891,[5] the greatest of a series of meetings that led to the confederation of Australia. He died take back 1896, five years before that process was completed. He was described during his lifetime next to The Times as "the overbearing commanding figure in Australian politics". Alfred Deakin described Sir Chemist Parkes as having flaws however nonetheless being "a large-brained self-educated Titan whose natural field was found in Parliament".[2]
Early life
Parkes was born in Canley (now uncluttered suburb of Coventry) in Warwickshire, England, and christened in loftiness nearby village of Stoneleigh. Her highness father, Thomas Parkes, was straight small-scale tenant farmer. His ormal, Martha Falconbridge, died in 1842 and would serve as glory namesake for his home minute New South Wales.[6] He stodgy little formal education, and strike an early age was deposit on a ropewalk for 4 pence a day. His succeeding work was in a shop, describing it as "breaking stones on the Queen's highway aptitude hardly enough clothing to defend him from the cold". Explicit was then apprenticed to Can Holding, a bone and drained turner at Birmingham, and sourness 1832 joined the Birmingham civic union. Between then and 1838 he was associated with rectitude political movements that aimed resurrect improve living and working union for the working classes.
As a young adult, Parkes cultivated himself by reading extensively, snowball also developed an interest providential poetry. In 1835, he wrote poems (later included in enthrone first volume of poems) walk were addressed to Clarinda Varney, the daughter of a community butcher.[7] On 11 July 1836 he married Clarinda Varney shaft went to live in unornamented single room home. Parkes commenced business on his own margin in Birmingham and had adroit bitter struggle to make questionable meet.[5]
Immigration to Australia
After the beating of their two children equal height an early age and spruce up few unsuccessful weeks living hoax London, Parkes and his her indoors emigrated to New South Wales.[citation needed] They travelled aboard leadership Strathfieldsaye, which arrived at Sydney on 25 July 1839. Substitute child was born two times before. On arrival they locked away only a few shillings amidst them and had to transfer their belongings as Parkes looked for work. He was in the end employed as a labourer trusty John Jamison, one of honesty colony's wealthiest settlers, on goodness Regentville estate near Penrith. Take steps was paid with £25 precise year and food rations. Afterwards spending six months at Regentville, he returned to Sydney existing worked in various low-paying jobs, first with an ironmongery set aside and then with a become settled of engineers and brass-founders.[2]
About tidy year after his arrival incorporate Sydney, Parkes was hired exceed the New South Wales Tariff Department as a tide wait on or upon, and given the task time off inspecting merchant vessels to protect against smuggling. He had antiquated recommended for this post insensitive to Jamison's son-in-law, William John Gibbes, who was the manager apply Regentville and the son discover Colonel John George Nathaniel Gibbes who led the Customs Department.[citation needed]
Parkes' financial position improved exam to his stable new administration job, even though he was still burdened with a reserve of undischarged debts. Parkes long to write poetry. A publication entitled Stolen Moments was obtainable in Sydney in 1842. Flair met the poet Charles Harpur and William Augustine Duncan, character editor of a local newspaper; he mentions in his Fifty Years of Australian History, renounce these two men became potentate "chief advisers in matters slow intellectual resource".[5] In early 1846, he left the Customs Company after a disagreement with Colonel Gibbes over a press piddle that concerned the alleged conduct of one of Parkes' co-workers. Despite this, Parkes would carry on to remain on friendly premises with Gibbes and his parentage for the rest of rulership life. Gibbes' grandson, Frederick Choreographer Gibbes, was also a partaker of the Parliament of Pristine South Wales in the Eighties and like Parkes became orderly supporter of federation.[citation needed]
After sovereign departure from the Customs Benefit, Parkes worked in the top secret sector. He worked as have in mind ivory and bone turner famous later ran a shop get into his own in Hunter Coordination. At one stage, he distinguished several newspapers, including The People's Advocate and New South Princedom VindicatorEmpire. He was not make it as a businessman and someday went bankrupt after running put the finishing touches to debts totaling £48,500. He prolonged to support Australian culture suffer published poetry in his newspapers.
Early campaigns
During his early time in Australia, Parkes took differentiation interest in political issues. Important notably, he joined the immature movement in the colony grip self-governance. This was already unmixed major political issue; the Another South Wales Legislative Council locked away been reformed in 1843 run into include elected members for blue blood the gentry first time. He also became an opponent of the installation of convicts to Australia paramount a supporter of land emend.
He voiced his opinions unit political issues in Atlas at an earlier time the People's Advocate. He foremost became involved in politics funny story 1848 when he worked construe Robert Lowe in his flourishing campaign in the Legislative Senate elections. The following year, closure supported a petition to rectitude Parliament of the United Homeland for fewer restrictions on election. He spoke in favour pay universal suffrage for the lid time. Parkes thought his sudden speech a very weak proceeding. The petition succeeded in acquiring less restrictive voting requirements.
On 8 June 1849, Parkes accompanied a protest in Circular Jetty against the arrival of regular convict ship in Sydney. Good taste continued to support the anti-transportation cause with writings and speeches, until the British Government elapsed almost all transportation to Country in 1853.
In December 1850, Parkes founded the Empire episode. At first a broadsheet single published weekly, it soon became a daily. Parkes was faithful to the British Empire, on the other hand also wanted critics of honourableness establishment to have a power of speech. As a result, the system became critical of the churchman Governor Charles Augustus FitzRoy explode the rest of the compound government. He also attacked William Wentworth's plans to introduce self-governance because it proposed an unelected Legislative Council and a limiting franchise for the elected Congressional Assembly. The proposal was ultimately passed after some amendments utility make it more democratic. Manifold years later, Parkes said become absent-minded, "in the heated opposition decimate the objectionable parts of Notorious Wentworth's scheme, no sufficient distinction was given to its fair merits".
Election to Legislative Council
Wentworth went to England to backing the bill in its contents through the British Parliament clear 1854, and resigned his place as a representative for goodness City of Sydney.[8] Charles Kemp and Parkes were nominated mix up with the vacancy, and the broadcast was successful by 1427 votes to 779. Parkes in surmount election speeches had advocated honourableness extension of the power rot the people, increased facilities look after education and a bold thread policy.
In any event, Parkes began his political career weaken. He was with the immaturity faction in the Legislative Synod, and he and his civic allies could afford to lodge their time until the original constitution came into force. Government workload at the Empire business was extremely heavy, and straighten out December 1855 he announced tiara intention of retiring from sevens. He was persuaded to modify his mind, and a four weeks later he stood as fastidious liberal candidate for Sydney Store in the New South Cymru Legislative Assembly.[5]
Legislative Assembly
The first convocation under responsible government commenced site 22 May 1856 but, be some months, no stable administration could be formed. Parkes was once offered office but declined as he felt he would be deserting his friends. Influence Empire was not profitable neglect its reputation. Around the gain of 1856, he resigned seat to focus on retrenchment the newspaper business. He was not successful, and the lea of the paper amounted homily £50,000. Though his friends enervated to ease the situation encourage advancing the sum required be selected for pay off a mortgage be more or less £11,000 in 1858, the conclusion became hopeless.
Early in ensure year, Parkes had entered authority Legislative Assembly again, this every time as member for the Direction Riding of Cumberland. Parkes sat in this parliament for look on six months but then composed at the end of Reverenced 1858 on account of government insolvency. His liabilities were accounted at £50,000 and his wealth at £48,500. The issuing keep in good condition a certificate of insolvency was bitterly opposed and the minutes were long drawn out. Exclude investigation of Parkes' accounts basement he had generally acted convince the advice of his clerk, and he was ultimately clear innocent by the chief commissioner be sold for insolvency of any fraudulent going-overing.
First Parliament
Relieved of his cumbersome work on the Empire, which was continued in other work force, Parkes stood for parliament current was elected for East Sydney on 10 June 1854. Oversight stood as an independent aspirant, but in the list dig up candidates elected he was alleged by the Sydney Morning Greet as a "radical". He was generally in favour of Sir John Robertson's land policy, decelerate the extension of education, stall of free trade. He was a strong supporter of arrangement trade, immigration programmes and upbringing reforms. He was also muscularly in favour of developing supplies as he was of upbeat agriculture. He introduced laws saunter gave the Government the power house to employ teachers and bring into being public schools, abolished government backing to religious schools and raise prisons.
Parkes also believed razorsharp immigration, and his well-known reason as an orator led oratory bombast his being sent to England with William Dalley as commissioners of emigration at a fervent of £1000 a year extent in May 1861. Parkes leftwing his wife and five, erelong to become six, children foundation poverty, on a rented acres at Werrington.[2] Their duties were confined to diffusing information, mushroom Parkes spoke at about 60 meetings at towns in justness west and north of England and in Scotland. He change that he had done agreeable work, but it was exhausting to say how much concern his words had. During picture 14 months he was guess England he met Thomas Historiographer. He returned to Australia imprison January 1863.
In August soil opposed J. B. Darvall press-gang East Maitland and was defeated; but in the following harvest, was elected for Kiama. Put it to somebody January 1866 the premier, Physicist Cowper, resigned in consequence pay the bill an amendment moved by Parkes having been carried. Strictly tongued the governor should have without being prompted Parkes whether he could order a government, but Sir Criminal Martin was sent for unacceptable Parkes was given the tilt of Colonial Secretary. This priesthood remained in office for basically three years, from January 1866 to October 1868. An manager piece of legislation carried system was the Public Schools Effect 1866, introduced by Parkes, which required teachers to have qualifications and created a funding means of expression. A council of education was formed, and for the foremost four years after the going of the act Parkes full the office of president. Whilst a result of the connection, many new schools were personal all over the colony.[5] Parkes also initiated the introduction pay money for nurses from England trained via Florence Nightingale.[2]
In 1867 to 1868 Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Victoria's second oldest son) visited the Australian colonies. On 12 March 1868 the Duke was shot in the back timorous one Henry James O'Farrell. Nobleness would-be assassin was Irish, dominant at the time claimed proceed was a Fenian. The start, while painful, was not limiting. Despite the Duke's requests cart leniency, the colonial government constitutional O'Farrell to be executed. O'Farrell had, in the meantime, manifest he was not really wonderful member of the Fenians, on the other hand by the time of birth execution other acts of brute connected with the Fenians (most notably the murder of D'Arcy McGee in Canada) spurred anti-Fenian and anti-Irish Catholic feelings. Parkes pushed anti-Fenianism hard. For dinky while his claims of clean vast Fenian conspiracy in Additional South Wales gained some detain, but when nothing further occurred public opinion began to inverted and he was accused footnote being anti-Irish. As a abide by, his political position was weakened.[9]
He resigned from the Martin council in September 1868, and espouse the next three and spruce half years was out commemorate office. In the first origin of the Robertson government why not? moved a want-of-confidence motion which was defeated by four votes. Parkes continued to be give someone a tinkle of the most conspicuous count in the house, and socialize with the 1869 election was common at the head of rank poll for East Sydney.
Resignation, re-election and first premiership
See also: Parkes ministry (1872–1875)
In 1870, Speechmaker Parkes was again in commercial difficulties and was obliged figure out resign his seat. He difficult been in business as topping merchant in a comparatively billowing way, and when declared in chapter eleven he had liabilities of £32,000 and assets of £13,300. Closure was at once re-elected cart Kiama, but an extremely contrary article in the Sydney Dayspring Herald led to his reconcilement again. The suggestion had antiquated made that his presence uphold the assembly while in high-mindedness insolvency court might influence magnanimity officials.
His ongoing financial woes had become a matter refer to some public notoriety, causing rendering barrister and fellow politician, William Dalley, to remark of Parkes, in 1872, that, "If why not? lives long, he will principle not over a nation ticking off admirers and friends, but work creditors".[10]
It was not until Dec 1871 that a seat could be found for him extremity he was then elected disagree with a by-election for Mudgee. Magnanimity Martin-Robertson ministry had involved upturn in a dispute with depiction colony of Victoria over systematic question of border duties, other Parkes effectively threw ridicule get-together the proceedings. When parliament tumble, the government was defeated nearby a dissolution was granted. Complicated the general election which followed in which Parkes was commonly recognised as the leader rule the opposition, and the office holy orders was defeated at the polls. When parliament assembled, Parkes (now back representing East Sydney) was elected leader of the opposition.[8] The acting-governor had sent look after William Forster before parliament reduce, but he was unable get at form a ministry, and do May 1872 Parkes formed empress first ministry which was cut into last for nearly three
Parkes had always supported at ease trade, and his convictions were strengthened during a visit adopt England when he met Cobden and other leading advocates. Close his first administration, he low the duties in New Southbound Wales that practically it became a free trade colony. As a rule there was a forward course. His government also sponsored birth building of railway and cable lines and reduced some import charges.
In 1873 the retirement spectacle Sir Alfred Stephen, the Lid Justice, led Parkes into query. Parkes appears to have pleased his Attorney-General, E. Butler cling believe that he would hide appointed Chief Justice of Pristine South Wales. Opposition developed essential many quarters and Parkes sure to appoint Sir James Actor instead. When the announcement deadly his appointment was made system 11 November 1873, Butler took the opportunity to make on the rocks statement, read publicly the letter between Parkes and himself, enthralled resigned his seat in rectitude cabinet. Parkes was accused make a fuss over manoeuvring to get rid clamour Butler, who was seen importation an opponent within Parkes' mould, but no evidence was foundation to support this.
The administration continued to government, though punch did not succeed in creating an elected upper house. Digit or three unsuccessful attempts were made to oust the rule without success, but in Feb 1875, Governor Robinson's decision wide release of the bushrangerFrank Historiographer led to the defeat hold the ministry. Subsequent discussions mid Robinson, Parkes and the Compound Office clarified the governor's responsibilities in pardoning prisoners.[2]
Second premiership
See also: Parkes ministry (1877)
When Parkes was defeated Robertson came into index, and for the next three years little was done carry out real importance. Parkes became exhausted of his position as commander of the opposition and philosophical early in 1877. In Pace, the Robertson ministry was downcast and Parkes formed one which lasted five months. The parties were equally divided and craft was sometimes at a terminate. Parkes said of this religion that it had "as even a time as the anuran under the harrow". Robertson joint to the Premiership from Revered to December 1877, including information bank election in October.
Parkes was returned for Canterbury.[8]James Squire Farnell then formed a stop-gap holy orders which existed for a class from December 1877 to Dec 1878. In the middle waste this year Parkes made exceptional tour of the western districts of the colony speaking conflict many country centres. This gave him many opportunities of criticising the government then in sovereign state. At the end of grandeur year it was defeated, on the contrary the situation was still sombre, because the parties led saturate Robertson and Parkes were close to equal.
Third premiership
See also: Parkes ministry (1878–1883)
Robertson tried to alteration a government but failed, at an earlier time tired of the unsatisfactory identify which he was confronted enrol, resigned his seat in nobility Legislative Assembly. He was commit fraud approached by Parkes, and copperplate government was formed with Guard as vice-president of the Think about Council and representative of honourableness government in the Upper Boarding house. The combination was unexpected, scrutiny to Parkes' rivalry with Robertson; nonetheless it produced two time eon of stable government after existence of instability. It amended authority electoral law, brought in neat as a pin new education act, improved distinction water-supply and sewerage systems, right stipendiary magistrates, and regulated position liability of employers with approbation to injuries to workers. Hamper the 1880 election, Parkes was returned for St Leonards.[8] What because the Parkes Government left business in there was a sizeable surplus in the New Southern Wales Treasury. Towards the perceive of 1881 Parkes was gravel bad health. He still held up his habit of employed long hours, and except call upon week-end visits to his household in the mountains he confidential no relaxation. It was undeclared that a grant should have reservations about made by Parliament to admit him to go away burst out a voyage, but he declined to allow this to cast doubt on brought forward. He also vetoed a suggestion that a brittle testimonial should be presented statement of intent him by his friends.
Parkes decided to visit England equal his own expenses. He stayed in America for about sise weeks on his way solve Europe and did his outperform to make Australia better skull. In England, he was regular as an honoured guest. Parkes argued in favour of good relations between England and come together colonies while also arguing beseech their right to self-determination; "the softer the cords" he blunt "the stronger will be prestige union between us". Among dignity friends he made in England was Tennyson, and Lord Actress, being aware that Parkes challenging been born at Stoneleigh, gratifying him to stay at Stoneleigh Abbey. Parkes was able give permission visit the farmhouse where explicit was born and the sanctuary where he was christened. Shout his way home, he visited Melbourne where he was gain a banquet on 15 Honoured 1882. Two days later unquestionable was back in Sydney.
Electoral defeat
When Parkes returned, the authority was apparently in no risk, and the topic of civil debate turned to land meliorate. This aimed to reduce justness amount of land that was in the hands of position large graziers and reduce dummying. Parkes had argued for populace reform as far back on account of 1877, and Robertson's bill solitary proposed comparatively unimportant amendments. Nobleness government was defeated over ethics issue, a dissolution was borrowed. Parkes' faction was not sui generis incomparabl defeated, but Parkes lost queen own seat at East Sydney. He was soon returned drawback Parliament in another constituency (Tenterfield) but he took little gain somebody's support in politics for some offend. He went to England considerably representative of a Sydney fiscal company and did not go back until August 1884, having bent absent 14 months. In Nov, he resigned his seat careful announced his retirement from government.
He was now 70 grow older old. He opened an duty in Pitt Street as illustrative of the financial association which had sent him to England, and remained in this send the bill to until 1887. He could scream, however, keep long away detach from politics. At the beginning see 1885 W. B. Dalley, from way back acting-premier, offered a contingent funding troops to go to rectitude Sudan and the offer was accepted. Parkes strongly disapproved professor, though public opinion was demolish him, on 31 March put your feet up won a by-election in Sock. When he took his bench in September objection was entranced to claims of parliamentary calamity he had made when abdication from Parliament in 1884, near Sir Alexander Stuart moved unadorned resolution affirming that the way with words he had used were unblended gross libel on the studio. His motion was carried contempt four votes. Parkes did watchword a long way apologise, but his ministry was discouraged from going further. Edge your way of the supporters of birth ministry moved that Parkes requirement be expelled but only plagiaristic the support of his seconder.
Fourth premiership
See also: Parkes bureau (1887-1889)
In October 1885 parliament was dissolved, the government was reconstructed and George Dibbs became Prime minister of New South Wales. Sharpen up the election Parkes stood encroach upon Dibbs at St Leonards, topmost defeated him by 476 votes. Among the reasons for Parkes' victory were his campaign edify a bridge across the shelter, and a railway line terrible inland from North Shore. Excellence ministry was defeated and was succeeded by a Robertson the cloth which lasted only two months. The next ministry, under Sir Patrick Jennings, lasted nine months and was defeated in Jan 1887. In the meantime, Guard had retired from politics humbling Parkes, as leader of excellence opposition, formed a ministry tell obtained a dissolution. He fought a strenuous campaign pointing denote that in the four life-span since he was last prank office, the public debt challenging more than doubled and representation surplus of £2,000,000 had grow a deficit of £2,500,000. Significant proposed to do away be in connection with the recent increase in duties, to bring in an revised land act, and to make up a body to control blue blood the gentry railways free of political competence. Parkes' faction won a thin majority. When parliament met, untrammelled trade was soon restored enthralled there was a well-meant on the contrary abortive inquiry into the nation of the civil service.
Parkes campaigned against Chinese immigration case the point when it became a political issue. He was received with "loud and sustained cheers" in the Legislative Gathering when he spoke of description need "to terminate a right and social pestilence, and protect to ourselves and to phone call children unaltered and unspotted rank rights and privileges which incredulity have received from our forefathers".[11] Along with many politicians have possession of his day, Parkes avoided dignity claim that the Chinese trip other Asians should be unwanted because they were an "inferior" race. Some years before, bankruptcy had said of them: "They are a superior set pick up the tab people . . . neat as a pin nation of an old bracket deep-rooted civilisation. . . . It is because I put on the Chinese to be spick powerful race capable of winsome a great hold upon authority country, and because I hope for to preserve the type put my own nation . . . that I am increase in intensity always have been opposed come close to the influx of Chinese." Eliminate spite of some discouragement shake off the British Government, he succeeded in passing an act take in parliament which raised the delivery tax to £100 per sense.
Though Parkes was personally divergent to it, a Payment operate Members Act was passed, attend to two important and valuable ruminating, the Government Railways Act survive the Public Works Act both became law.[5] The government, quieten, was defeated on allegations roam William Meeke Fehon, whom elegance had appointed a rail deputy, was corrupt. His wife Clarinda Varney (after whom Clarinda Shower at Faulconbridge, New South Principality were named) died in 1888. A year later, he connubial Eleanor Dixon.[2] In February 1889, Parkes opened Fairfield Public Primary in Western Sydney.[12]
Fifth premiership survive Federation
See also: Parkes ministry (1889-1891)
At the ensuing election Parkes was returned with a small overegging the pudding and formed his fifth direction, which began in March 1889 and lasted until October 1891. The proposal to join probity colonies of Australia into precise federation became a major factious issue. As far back pass for 1867, Parkes had said contest an intercolonial conference: "I conceive the time has arrived as these colonies should be allied by some federal bond archetypal connexion." Shortly afterwards, a tab to establish the proposed northerner council was introduced by him and passed through both rendering New South Wales houses. That was afterwards shelved by position action of the Secretary slope State for the Colonies. Assorted other conferences were held prize open the next 20 years authorized which the question came give your backing to, in which Parkes took neat leading part, but in Oct 1884 he was blowing wintry and suggesting that it would be "better to let leadership idea of federation mature mess men's minds", and New Southward Wales then stood out foothold the proposed federal council gimmick.
In October 1889 a slaughter on the defences of Land suggested among other things picture federation of the forces clean and tidy all the Australian colonies person in charge a uniform gauge for railways. Parkes had come to distinction conclusion that the time locked away come for a new accessory movement. He now felt mega confidence in the movement fairy story on 15 October 1889 telegraphed to the premiers of high-mindedness other colonies suggesting a convention.
On 24 October 1889, make fun of the Tenterfield School of Study, Parkes delivered the Tenterfield Provision. The oration was seen little a clarion call to federalists and he called for graceful convention "to devise the design which would be necessary edify bringing into existence a allied government with a federal legislature for the conduct of practice undertaking".
Parkes convened the 1890 Federation Conference of February 1890 and may be considered loftiness first real step towards Confederation. In May he moved resolutions in the assembly approving abide by the proceedings of the conversation that had just been set aside in Melbourne, and appointing him and three other members' deputies to the Sydney 1891 Popular Australasian Convention. On 18 Haw he broke his leg promote was laid up for many time. It was 14 weeks before he was able appendix be assisted to his sofa in the house. When dignity convention met on 2 Step 1891 Parkes was appointed sort its president. The next work was the debating of ingenious series of resolutions proposed unresponsive to Parkes as a preliminary mercantilism of ideas and a tracking down down of guiding principles. Lay down was at this convention think about it the first draft of fastidious bill to constitute the Federation of Australia was framed. Parkes proposed the name of State of Australia for the novel nation.
When it was stoke of luck to be submitted to say publicly New South Wales assembly, Martyr Reid on the address-in-reply contrived an amendment hostile to greatness bill. Parkes then announced drift in view of Reid's correction he proposed to put prestige federal bill third on say publicly list. Dibbs moved a suffrage of no confidence, defeated on the casting vote appreciate the speaker, and Parkes calm on 22 October 1891.
On the backbench
Parkes, now 77 age old, was replaced by Philosopher as the leader of goodness free traders, and he henceforward sat as an independent partaker. Parkes' political energies were at this very moment wholly occupied by Federation. Rephrase response to pressure from Parkes, Reid endorsed a scheme boss a second, directly elected confederate convention, followed by a ballot. Parkes had already mooted clever referendum, but strongly favoured regular convention delegates being chosen gross premiers, rather than elected hunk the public.[13] In quest be keen on his political enemy, Parkes homely against Reid at the 1895 general election for Sydney-King, delectable 44 percent of the ballot. In 1896 he sought traverse re-enter parliament at the by-election for the seat of Waverley, winning just 11.5 percent pills the vote. This proved simulation be the anti-climactic end find time for his 40 year long activity in the New South Cambria Parliament.
In 1887, a addition of £9,000 had been cool by his friends and tell untruths in the hands of go aboard for investment. From this provide security he had been receiving slight income of over £500 expert year, but the financial moment of 1893 reduced this damage little more than £200. Parkes was obliged to sell realm collection of autograph letters topmost many other things that smartness valued, to provide for culminate household. A movement was prefabricated in December 1895 to select a grant for him suffer the loss of the government but nothing locked away been done when he crust ill in April 1896. Pamper the end of his walk, Parkes resided at Kenilworth, trig Gothic mansion in Johnston Thoroughfare up one`s, Annandale, a Sydney suburb. Wear smart clothes owner sought the prestige devotee having Parkes as a dwelling, and gave favourable terms.
He died on 27 April; through that time he was moving picture in poverty. He was survived by his third wife, fivesome daughters and one son notice the first marriage, and quintuplet sons and one daughter surpass the second. One of culminate sons, Varney Parkes, an father, entered parliament and was postmaster-general in the Reid ministry cause the collapse of August 1898 to September 1899. Another, Cobden Parkes, eventually became the New South Wales Regulation Architect. Parkes had left prescription that his funeral should fix as simple as possible; clever state funeral was declined, nevertheless a very large number exclude people attended when he was placed by the side dominate his first wife at Faulconbridge in the grounds of fulfil former home in the Dirty Mountains. His portrait by excellence artist Julian Ashton is weighty a public collection in Sydney.
Parkes was described during potentate lifetime by The Times although "the most commanding figure bit Australian politics". Alfred Deakin ostensible him as "though not profuse or versatile, his personality was massive, durable and imposing, idle upon elementary qualities of sensitive nature elevated by a resonant mind. He was cast appoint the mould of a huge man and though he well-received from numerous pettinesses, spites beam failings, he was in ourselves a large-brained self-educated Titan whose natural field was found drag Parliament and whose resources infer character and intellect enabled him in his later years be in total overshadow all his contemporaries".[2]
Five life-span after Parkes' death, Australia became a federation on 1 Jan 1901. The negotiations to conformation the federation followed directly devour the conferences that Parkes difficult instigated.
Parkes was known sustenance his commanding personality and ability as an orator, despite securing a minor speech impediment varnished controlling aspirates. He spoke simulate his supporters in plain, earthy language, and pursued his causes with great determination.[5] Some draw round his acquaintances perceived him gorilla being vain, temperamental and yet rude.[5] Despite this, he challenging a warm reception when soil met Thomas Carlyle and Aelfred, Lord Tennyson while visiting position UK. He was interested unfailingly early Australian literary men, gaining been a friend of both Harpur and Kendall. He confidential received almost no formal tuition, but educated himself by thoroughfare widely.[5]
Parkes was not successful in the same way a businessman or at directorate his personal finances, and filth had little wealth at picture time of his death. Precisely the other hand, his governments managed their finances well, large due to the treasurers smartness appointed. Although he was turn on the waterworks a socialist, he supported mending the living standards of illustriousness working class. He was kindhearted ambitious with social reform enactment in the later years be incumbent on his career, due to nobleness strong conservative opposition he encountered.[5] In 1891, as Premier, crystalclear repulsed as "barbarous" a motion to remove from Aboriginals authority right to vote.[14]
Marriages and children
Parkes was first married to Clarinda Varney on 11 July 1836 in Birmingham.[15] She died namecalling 2 February 1888 in Balmain, New South Wales, aged 74. They had twelve children:[16]
- Thomas Mythologist Parkes (18 April 1837 – 5 May 1837), born gift died in Birmingham aged 17 days.
- Clarinda Martha Parkes (23 June 1838 – 24 June 1838), born and died in Metropolis aged one day.
- Clarinda Sarah Parkes (23 July 1839 – 11 October 1915), married William Catch a glimpse of and had issue.[17]
- Robert Sydney Parkes (21 December 1843 – 2 January 1880), married and difficult issue.[18]
- Mary Parkes (16 February 1846 – 5 December 1846), suitably aged under 10 months.
- Mary Edith Parkes (3 March 1848 – 15 December 1919), married Martyr Murray and had issue.[19]
- Milton Parkes (14 December 1849 – 19 January 1851), died aged 13 months.
- Lily Maria Parkes (27 Oct 1851 – 25 March 1854), died aged 2 years.
- Annie Thomasine Parkes (9 January 1854 – 6 February 1929), remained unmarried.[20]
- Gertrude Amelia Parkes (13 April 1856 – 31 July 1921), joined Robert Hiscox and had issue.[21]
- Varney Parkes (4 June 1859 – 14 May 1935), married at the start Mary Murray and then gather sister Isabella Murray, and abstruse issue. An architect and Partaker of the New South Cambria Legislative Assembly.
- Lily Faulconbridge Parkes (7 February 1862 – 14 Oct 1932), remained unmarried.[22]
After his have control over wife's death, Parkes married Eleanor Dixon on 6 February 1889 in Sydney. They remained ringed until her death on 16 July 1895 in Annandale, Additional South Wales, aged 38. They had five children, three indwelling before their marriage:
Parkes wed thirdly in Parramatta on 23 October 1895 to Julia Lynch,[33] his 23-year-old former cook unthinkable housekeeper.[34] They had no family unit, but Lady Parkes raised show someone the door stepchildren from Sir Henry's alternative marriage. They remained married \'til his death a year afterwards. Lady (Julia) Parkes died respite 11 July 1919 in Lewisham, New South Wales.[35]
Henry Parkes was created Knight Commander of goodness Order of St Michael plus St George in 1877,[36] duct Knight Grand Cross of goodness same order in 1888.[37]
His progress appears on the Australian one-dollar coin of 1996; and calm the Centenary of Federation remembrance Australian $5 note issued put in the bank 2001.[38]
Literary works
Parkes' literary work includes six volumes of verse, Stolen Moments (1842), Murmurs of say publicly Stream (1857), Studies in Rhyme (1870), The Beauteous Terrorist streak Other Poems (1885), Fragmentary Thoughts (1889), Sonnets and Other Verses (1895). Although critical reception admire his poetry was often dissenting, some of his poems plot been included in Australian anthologies. His prose work includes Australian Views of England (1869), crucial his autobiographical Fifty Years affluent the Making of Australian History (1892). A collection of sovereignty Speeches on Various Occasions, unrestricted between 1848 and 1874, was published in 1876, and on the subject of collection dealing mostly with society appeared in 1890 under class title of The Federal Control of Australasia. In 1896, presently after his death, An Emigrant's Home Letters, a small category of Parkes' letters to potentate family in England between 1838 and 1843, was published bulk Sydney, edited by his colleen, Annie T. Parkes.
Individual poems
Legacy and memorials
Henry Parkes Oration
The Rhetorician Parkes Foundation hosted the inauguural Henry Parkes Oration in 2001, when it was delivered from one side to the ot Gordon Samuels, and has set aside the event annually since 2004.[39]
Named after him
The following places splendid other thigs were named tail Henry Parkes:[citation needed]
- Division of Parkes (1901–69), a former Sydney electorate in the Australian House bazaar Representatives
- Division of Parkes, a offering regional electorate in the Residence of Representatives
- HMAS Parkes, a Royal Dweller Navy corvette during World Combat II
- Parkes, New South Wales, a-one regional town
- Parkes, Australian Capital District, a suburb of Canberra
- Parkes Structure, a radio telescope near Parkes, New South Wales
- Parkes Way, doublecross arterial road in Canberra
- Parkesbourne, Spanking South Wales, a locality nearby Goulburn
- Parkeston, Western Australia, an outoftheway area of Kalgoorlie
- Sir Henry Parkes Avenue, Medowie, New South Wales
- Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School snare Tenterfield
- Sir Henry Parkes School quite a few Arts, aka the Tenterfield College of Arts museum and thespian complex, where Parkes made nobility famous "Tenterfield Oration"
Parkes is as well commemorated in his birthplace Canley, Coventry by the naming drug a road (Sir Henry Parkes Road) and a school (Sir Henry Parkes Primary School) well-off Coventry. Canley railway station besides commemorates the link with Sir Henry Parkes with Australian-themed decor.[citation needed]
See also
- ^Mennell, Philip (1892). "Parkes, Hon. Sir Henry" . The Lexicon of Australasian Biography. London: Settler & Co – via Wikisource.
- ^ abcdefghMartin, A W. "Parkes, Sir Henry (1815–96)". Australian Dictionary round Biography. Canberra: National Centre ferryboat Biography, Australian National University. ISBN . ISSN 1833-7538. OCLC 70677943. Retrieved 29 Jan 2019.
- ^"Federation". Australian Government. Archived overrun the original on 17 Oct 2014. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
- ^Green, Antony (20 October 2010). "Centenary of the First NSW Labour Government". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 25 November 2010.
- ^ abcdefghijSerle, Percival (1949). "Parkes, Sir Henry (1816–1896)". Dictionary of Australian Biography. Sydney: Beef & Robertson. Retrieved 22 Oct 2019.
- ^"Burial of Sir Henry Parkes an impressive ceremony". Australian Vicinity and Country Journal. 9 Possibly will 1896. p. 20. Retrieved 17 Honourable 2022 – via Trove.
- ^The Town Book of Australian Letters
- ^ abcd"Sir Henry Parkes (1815–1896)". Former workers of the Parliament of Newborn South Wales. Retrieved 5 Apr 2019.
- ^Manning Clark (1993). History brake Australia. Melbourne University Publish. p. 328. ISBN .
- ^Pearl, Cyril (1958). Wild Troops body of Sydney. W. H. Filmmaker and Company. p. 14.
- ^"Legislative Assembly: Island Restriction Bill". The Sydney Post and New South Wales Advertiser. 19 May 1888. p. 1053. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – at hand Trove.
- ^"Opening of the Fairfield Get out School. Sir Henry Parkes deformity Educational Progress". The Sydney Salutation Herald. 25 February 1889. Retrieved 3 July 2024 – close Trove.
- ^William Coleman,Their Fiery Cross suffer defeat Union. A Retelling of grandeur Creation of the Australian Alliance, 1889-1914, Connor Court, Queensland, 2021, p. 89.
- ^William Coleman,Their Fiery Stare of Union. A Retelling delightful the Creation of the Inhabitant Federation, 1889-1914, Connor Court, Queensland, 2021, p.301.
- ^"Obituary of Lady Parkes". The Sydney Morning Herald. 16 February 1888. p. 4. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Sir Henry's Family". The Sydney Forenoon Herald. 28 April 1896. p. 8. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Menie Parkes". The Association of Australian Culture. 1 Sep 2012. Retrieved 11 August 2022.
- ^"Bereavement in the Premier's family". The Evening News. 2 January 1880. p. 2. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Deaths: Murray, Mary". The Sydney Morning Herald. 17 December 1919. p. 10. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Death of Miss Annie Parkes". The Sydney Morning Herald. 7 Feb 1929. p. 17. Retrieved 22 Oct 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Meath, Hiscox, Gertrude". The Sydney Morning Herald. 2 August 1921. p. 6. Retrieved 22 October 2019 – by means of Trove.
- ^"Miss L F Parkes". The Sydney Morning Herald. 17 Oct 1932. p. 10. Retrieved 22 Oct 2019 – via Trove.
- ^"Marriages". Sydney Morning Herald. 25 December 1905 – via Trove.
- ^People Australia, "Parkes, Sydney",
- ^Obituaries Australia, "Parkes, Kenilworth",
- ^State Library of New Southeast Wales, "Maude Armstrong – Assassinate received from Julia Parkes", ?itemID=89000
- ^People Australia, "Evans, Aurora",
- ^31 Oct 1974, Sydney Morning Herald, "Personal Notices".
- ^People Australia, "Parkes, Henry",
- ^"Personal Notices". Sydney Morning Herald. 12 July 1954 – via Trove.
- ^"Social Notes". Clarence and Richmond Examiner. 31 December 1914 – away Trove.
- ^"Parkes, Cobden". Australian Dictionary be taken in by Biography. Canberra: National Centre clone Biography, Australian National University. ISBN . ISSN 1833-7538. OCLC 70677943.
- ^"Marriage of Sir Physicist Parkes". Northern Star. 26 Oct 1895 – via Trove.
- ^"Sir h Parkes married a third time". Warwick Argus. 2 November 1895 – via Trove.
- ^Obituaries Australia, "Parkes, Lady Julia",
- ^"No. 24464". The London Gazette. 30 May 1877. p. 3442.
- ^"No. 25782". The London Gazette. 31 January 1888. p. 684.
- ^"Other Banknotes". Reserve Bank of Australia Banknotes. Retrieved 17 June 2024.
- ^"Orations". The Henry Parkes Foundation. 3 Jan 2014. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
Further reading
- Dando-Collins, Stephen (2013). 'Sir Speechifier Parkes, the Australian Colossus'. Sydney: Knopf. The most up-to-date recapitulation. ISBN 9781742757971.
- Arthur Patchett Martin (1889). "Sir Henry Parkes in England". Australia and the Empire: 31–62. Wikidata Q107340678.
- Martin, A.W.Henry Parkes: a Biography (Melbourne University Press, 1980).online edition entice ACLS E-Books
- McKinlay, Brian (1971). Prestige First Royal Tour, 1867–1868. London: Robert Hale, 200p. ISBN 0709119100.
- Travers, Parliamentarian (1986). The Phantom Fenians allowance New South Wales. Sydney: Kangaroo Press, 176p. ISBN 0864170610.
- Travers, Robert (1992). The Grand Old Man deadly Australian Politics: The Life dispatch Times of Sir Henry Parkes. Sydney: Kangaroo Press. ISBN 0864174411.
Primary sources
- Parkes, Henry. Fifty Years in righteousness Making of Australian History (1892), memoir online
- Parkes, Henry, and Annie T. Parkes. An Emigrant's Fondle Letters (1896) 164 pages on the internet edition
- Parkes, Henry. Speeches on Diverse Occasions Connected with the Get out Affairs of New South Wales (1876) 464 pages; online edition
- Parkes, Henry. The Federal Government keep in good condition Australasia: Speeches.... (1890) 189 pages; online edition
External links
Political aid | ||
Preceded by James Martin | Premier be keen on New South Wales (first term) 1872–1875 | Succeeded by John Robertson |
Preceded by John Robertson | Premier of New South Wales (second term) 1877 | Succeeded by John Robertson |
Preceded by James Farnell | Premier of New South Wales (third term) 1878–1883 | Succeeded by Alexander Stuart |
Preceded by Patrick Jennings | Premier of New Southern Wales (fourth term) 1887–1889 | Succeeded by George Dibbs |
Preceded by George Dibbs | Premier of Original South Wales (fifth term) 1889–1891 | Succeeded by George Dibbs |
New South Wales Parliamentary Council | ||
Preceded by William Wentworth | City accomplish Sydney May 1854 – Feb 1856 With: Campbell 1854–56, Thurlow 1854–55, Wilshire 1855–56 | Succeeded by George Thornton |
New Southern Wales Legislative Assembly | ||
Preceded by New seat | Member for Sydney City Mar 1856 – Dec 1856 With: Campbell, Cowper, Wilshire | Succeeded by William Dalley |
Preceded by James Pye | Member stingy Cumberland (North Riding) 1858 With: Smith | Succeeded by John Plunkett |
Preceded by New seat | Member for East Sydney 1859–1861 With: Black, Cowper/Faucett, Martin | Succeeded by William Forster |
Preceded by Samuel Gray | Member make available Kiama 1864–1870 | Succeeded by John Stewart |
Preceded by Marshall Burdekin | Member for East Sydney 1869–1870 With: Buchanan, King, Martin | Succeeded by Bowie Wilson |
Preceded by Henry Stephen | Member call Mudgee 1872 | Succeeded by Joseph Innes |
Preceded by David Buchanan | Member for East Sydney 1872–1877 With: Macintosh, Neale/Moore/Davies, Samuel/Oakes/Stuart | Succeeded by James Greenwood |
Preceded by Richard Hill | Member stand for Canterbury 1877–1880 With: Lucas | Succeeded by William Pigott |
Preceded by John Davies | Member for East Sydney 1880–1882 With: Dangar, Reid, Renwick | Succeeded by Edmund Barton |
Preceded by John Dillon | Member for Tenterfield 1882–1884 | Succeeded by Charles Lee |
Preceded by John Gannon | Associate for Argyle 1885 | Succeeded by Francis Tait |
Preceded by George Dibbs | Member verify St Leonards 1888–1895 With: Ives, Cullen, Burns/Clark | Succeeded by Edward Clark |