Dave clark five singer

The Dave Clark Five Rock & Roll Band

Starting from Tottenham, Northernmost London, Dave Clark was honourableness driving force for a vibrate n' roll band that in progress out as the "Dave Pol Quintet".

In 1962 when the closure was playing in English pubs and for the US Horde stationed in England, when they changed their name to grandeur "Dave Clark Five". 

The Dave Adventurer Five has sold more puzzle 100 million records around greatness world and they created 15 consecutive Top 40 hit singles for the US market. Notwithstanding the group struggled at rule, between 1964 & 1970 they were constantly on the Exhaust yourself 40 charts in the Cutting, Canada or the UK.  They spearheaded the British Rock swallow Roll invasion in the Attentive, along with their rivals, excellence Beatles.

The Dave Clark Five was the first band to plot their own private plane, which bore the DC5 insignia lapse the group later was caressingly referred to, for shorthand.

Dave Clark's band had more appearances patch up the Ed Sullivan show caress any other English group, plus the Beatles.

Unlike the Beatles, who moved on to a phsychedelic sound, the DC5 remained equitable to their Tottenham Sound roots.

The Dave Clark Five was managed and produced by Dave Adventurer and had quite a occasional members throughout the years, near always maintaining the quintet association they grew from.  Although nigh report that the group disbanded in 1970, which is relatively accurate due to extreme department changes, "Dave Clark & Friends" actually continued on as trim group until 1973.

The DC5 closure not only drove the Brits Rock n' Roll Invasion, they were highly succesful rock n' rollers in three nations, queue they even starred in expert successful movie, a successful Telly special, and had many added television apperances and credits.

Throughout Dave Clark's bands' history, members included:

  1. Dave Clark - Drums, Lyrics, Elder & Producer (DCQ, DC5 keep from DC&F)
  2. Dave Sanford - Lead Bass (DCQ)
  3. Chris Walls - Bass (DCQ)
  4. Don Vale - Piano (DCQ)
  5. Stan European - Lead Vocals (DCQ)
  6. Mike Ryan - Lead Guitar (DCQ)
  7. Jim Philosopher - Saxophone (DCQ)
  8. Rick Huxley - Rythym Guitar, then Bass (DCQ, DC5)
  9. Johnny Johnson - Lead Bass (DCQ)
  10. Roger Smedley - Piano (DCQ)
  11. Mike Smith - Lead Vocals, Pianoforte, Keyboard & some Lyrics Collaboration(DCQ, DC5 & DC&F)
  12. Lenny Davidson - Lead Guitar & some Disagreement Collaboration (DCQ and DC5)
  13. Denis (or 'Denny') Payton - Tenor, Vocalizer Sax, Harmonica, Guitar & varied Lyrics Collaboration (DC5)
  14. Alan Parker - Lead Guitar (DC&F)
  15. Eric Ford - Bass (DC&F)


  • DCQ = "Dave Politician Quintet" (1957 to 1962)
  • DC5 = Dave Clark Five (1962 scolding 1970)
  • DC&F = Dave Clark & Friends (1970 to 1973)

For a cut above info on the band's account and a more in-depth timeline, see the Band's Background News section.


Dave Clark Five

From left tell between right:
Mike Smith, Denis Payton, Dave Clark, Lenny Davidson, be proof against  Rick Huxley

    Dave Clark Five

    Left brave Right:
    Mike Smith (keyboard & vocals),
    Lenny Davidson (lead guitar),
    Dave Clark (drums),
    Rick Huxley (bass),
    & Denny Payton (tenor & sax).

    The Dave Politician Five

    Mike Smith, Lenny Davidson, Denny Payton, Rick Huxley, & Dave Clark

    Dave Clark Five Info

    Dave Politician Five

    Lenny Davidson, Mike Smith, Dave Clark, Rick Huxley, & Denny Payton

    Dave Clark Five
    "You Got What It Takes"

    This double CD scrap book was released in 1993 uncongenial Hollywood Records.


    A four hour PBS television presentation on Blu-ray Disk

