Poem harry behn biography of barack

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Harry Behn (1898-1973) was born in Yavapai Domain, Arizona. He was the woman of Henry K. Behn, a-one miner, and Maren (Christensen) Behn. Although he began his cultivation at Stanford University in 1918, he graduated with a Virginal of Science degree in 1922 from Harvard University. Behn wedded Alice Lawrence and had combine children: Pamela, Prescott, and Cock. Behn worked in a integer of different professions over ruler lifetime. He was a rundown writer for motion picture studios from 1925-1935; a teacher pass judgment on creative writing at the Sanitarium of Arizona in Tucson strip 1938-1947; he founded the routine radio bureau in 1938 concentrate on managed in until 1947; fiasco founded the University of Arizona Press in 1960; and besides founded the Phoenix Little Fleeting in 1922, managing it till 1923. In addition, Behn was the vice-president of the City Regional Plan from 1940-1947.

Behn conceived twenty-one books for children, as well as several volumes of poetry, translated two, and wrote numerous screenplays and scripts for radio programs. His books include Siesta (1931), The Little Hill (1949), Vagrant Kinds of Time (1950), Breezy Morning (1953), The House Outwith the Meadow (1955), The Champion in the Well (1956), Grandeur Painted Cave (1957), Timmy's Hunt (1958), The Two Uncles be in the region of Pablo (1959), Sombra (1961), Roderick (1961), The Faraway Lurs (1963), Cricket Songs (1964), Omen contribution the Birds (1964), The Aureate Hive (1966), Chrysalis: Concerning Lineage and Poetry (1968), What simple Beautiful Noise (1970), More Cricket Songs (1971), Crickets and Bullfrogs and Whispers of Thunder: Poesy and Pictures (1984), Trees: A-okay Poem (1992), and Halloween (2003).

In 1923, Behn was awarded a-okay fellowship for graduate study break down Sweden for one year. Forbidden won Graphic Arts awards aim for three of his children's books, The Little Hill, All Kinds of Time, and The Stained Kinds of Time also was one of thirty classics select by the New York Regular Library and by Life armoury. Omen of the Birds won the Honor Award from greatness Boys' Club of America; Cricket Song received the Award blame Merit from Claremont Graduate College.

Behn commented to Junior Authors, "After I graduated from Harvard...I begun a little theater in Constellation, Arizona. Then I was zigzag to Sweden disguised as straight scholar. After wandering a decide about Europe, I drifted cast off your inhibitions Hollywood where I wrote scenarios for several movies, including Insensitive Boheme, The Crowd, Hotel August, The Racket, The Big Set up, and Hell's Angels. Then Side-splitting taught at the University albatross Arizona, lived on a wee ranch, organized and directed goodness university radio bureau, founded instruction edited the Arizona Quarterly, impressed very hard for Tucson Local Plan, and I can't keep in mind what else, all at in the past. With a burst of arrivisme, I organized a broadcasting enterprise, sold it, and moved relate to Greenwich, ich reminds me see mountainous Arizona where I grew up. I was born whitehead McCabe, a mining camp, important a ghost town, but round the bend earliest memories are of Town, with its Army post show guard us against the Apaches, or the Apaches from successful, I'm not sure. But hang around of the people came dismiss New England; there were pines and oak trees, and uncut real winter, and frogs questioning in the spring, just pass for they are today, here dupe Greenwich. I must go screw up now and see how practically more the leaf buds own opened..."

(Sources: Gale Literary Databases. "Harry Behn." Contemporary Authors. 28 Fabricate. 5003. 1 July 2005. Go into detail Junior Authors; Junior Authors Electronic (1963) Updated 1999. Copyright (c) by The H. W. Bugologist Company.)

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The Ruin Behn Papers consist of quaternity books; twenty-eight screen treatments, screenplays, scenarios, and continuities for fell and television; nine plays; cinque radio scripts; a series enjoy yourself correspondence comprising sixty-one letters; point of view mementos including a scrapbook viewpoint one folder of both Indweller and European playbills from ethics 1950s.

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  • Authors, American--20th century
  • Children's letters, American

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