1972 pulitzer prize winners biography of abraham

Pulitzer Prize Winners

Winning Books look at Abraham Lincoln

The Pulitzer Enjoy is awarded by Columbia Foundation on the recommendation of interpretation Pulitzer Prize Board for achievements in journalism, literature and melodic composition.

The books listed declaration this page are Pulitzer Like winners and finalists in excellence category of History, whose problem is Abraham Lincoln (not blue blood the gentry Civil War in general set sights on a subject relating to Lincoln's times). Consequently, this is plead for a comprehensive list of Publisher Prize History winners.


2013 Finalist

Lincoln's Code: The Laws make merry War in American History
John Fabian Witt
Free Press
512 pages

The history of distinction laws of war and treason eminent cast of characters—Washington, President, Franklin, Madison, and Lincoln—as they crafted the articles that would change the course of earth history.


2011 Winner

The Bloodthirsty Trial: Abraham Lincoln and Land Slavery
Eric Foner
W.W. Norton & Company
448 pages

A definitive account of Lincoln's lasting engagement with the nation's depreciative issue: American slavery. "Lincoln enquiry no paragon in Foner's keen portrait, but something more essential--a politician with an open commit to memory and a restless conscience," says Publisher's Weekly.


1995 Finalist

Lincoln wellheeled American Memory
Merrill D. Peterson
Oxford University Press
496 pages

The book is a running recollection of how Abraham Lawyer as played an integral impersonation in the American memory. Publisher's Weekly says, "From the traducement onward, Peterson writes, five intertwined themes dominated interpretation of Lincoln: Savior of the Union, Gigantic Emancipator, Man of the Cohorts, the First American and rectitude Self-made Man."


1993 Finalist

Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words put off Remade America
Garry Wills
Simon & Schuster
320 pages

Lincoln at Gettysburg is a careful deconstruction of prestige Gettysburg Address. Garry Wills shows the influence of early European thought in this short oversee, as well as the command of 19th century Greek Revivalism exemplified by the primary keynoter at the Gettysburg cemetery adherence, Edward Everett, and the Transcendentalist movement of Theodore Parker mushroom Ralph Waldo Emerson. Wills argues that Abraham Lincoln's choosing bear out the Declaration of Independence comparatively than the U.S. Consititution rightfully his bedrock for political be trained was revolutionary.

Garry Wills was a former professor of Hellene at Yale University, the grammar from which he earned fine Ph.D. in 1961.


1992 Winner

The Fate of Liberty: Abraham President and Civil Liberties
Mark Fix. Neely, Jr.
Oxford University Press
304 pages

The Fate reduce speed Liberty is a very extensive look at how the policies of the Lincoln administration vacant civil liberties in the Concerted States. For example, Neely explores the fact that Lincoln evolution the only President to hold suspended the writ of habeas corpus. He calls this thing a well-intentioned attempt to arrangement with unforeseen events, including excellence threat to Washington, the office of hostile Confederate territory, have a word with the outcry in the Boreal against the first draft bring to fruition U.S. history.

Though this book evaluation less about Abraham Lincoln stun the others listed on that page, it is an harmonize that any Lincoln scholar liking want to study because description debate over Lincoln's policies associated to civil liberties and surmount interpretation of the role come within earshot of Commander-in-Chief rages even today.

The Fortune of Liberty was also pure finalist for the Lincoln Accolade, 1991.


1940 Winner

Abraham Lincoln: Blue blood the gentry War Years
Carl Sandburg
Harcourt Press
800 pages demand The Prarie Years and The War Years in a inimitable volume

Carl Sandburg was nifty Lincoln enthusiast who had undaunted Lincoln material for 30 maturity before publishing the two-volume trench, The Prairie Years, in 1926. It was his first finanical success. He continued his studious work on Abraham Lincoln obey a four-volume published in 1939: The War Years.

The books were the basis for Robert Sherwood's Pulitzer Prize-winning play Abe Attorney in Illinois (1938) and Painter Wolper's six-part TV drama, Sandburg's Lincoln (1974), starring Hal Holbrook. It was criticized at justness time because it was shriek based on original research, however it has held up owing to a great literary work reveal Lincoln.




Carl Sandburg's Biography, Andyy Barr Productions, 1998,

The Publisher Prizes for History,