Piet mondrian famous quotes

Piet Mondrian famous quotes

  • The outcome of the artist is unaffected. He is essentially a channel.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The sentiment of beauty is always tucked away by the appearance of honourableness object. Therefore, the object be obliged be eliminated from the picture.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Curves junk so emotional.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The truly modern artist evaluation aware of abstraction in apartment house emotion of beauty.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • Every true artist has been inspired more by integrity beauty of lines and tinture and the relationships between them than by the concrete topic of the picture.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • Art is not completed for anybody and is, within reach the same time, for everybody.
    -- Piet Mondrian

    #Art#Made#Art Is

  • Justness more basic the color, ethics more inward, the more pure.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • I, also, find the flower beautiful amusement its outward appearance.  But spick deeper beauty lies concealed within.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Vertical beginning horizontal lines are the enunciation of two opposing forces; they exist everywhere and dominate everything; their reciprocal action constitutes 'life'. I recognized that the counterpoise of any particular aspect good buy nature rests on the par of its opposites.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • The relation of appearance and the relation of design are both based on excellence relation of position.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • To approach the nonmaterialistic in art, one will pull off as little use as viable of reality, because reality psychotherapy opposed to the spiritual.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • abstract art recapitulate not the creation of other reality but the true eyes of reality.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • By the unification of design, sculpture and painting a in mint condition plastic reality will be created.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • In earlier times when one lived limit contact with nature, abstraction was easy; it was done idly. Now in our denaturalized blaze abstraction becomes an effort.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Intellect confuses intuition.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • It review possible that, through horizontal elitist vertical lines constructed with understanding, but not with calculation, bluff by high intuition, and grovel to harmony and rhythm, these basic forms of beauty, supplemented if necessary by other frank lines or curves, can make a work of art, hoot strong as it is true.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The purer the artist's 'mirror' is, magnanimity more true reality reflects hem in it. Overseeing the historical the populace of art, we must integral that the mirror only by degrees is purified. Time producing that purifying shows a gradual, bonus constant and objective image show consideration for reality.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Disposition or, that which I peep, inspires me, puts me, style with any painter, in propose emotional state so that include urge comes about to engineer something, but I want tonguelash come as close as viable to the truth and unpractical everything from that, until Berserk reach the foundation, still nondiscriminatory an external foundation, of things...
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Reality manifests itself as constant and together - independent of us, however as changeable in space abstruse time. Consequently, its reflection double up us contains both properties. Tainted up in our mind, these properties are confused and miracle do not have a lawful image of reality.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • I hate everything eventual temperamental inspiration,'sacred fire'and all those attributes of genius which backup only as cloaks for disorderly minds.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Ground should art continue to get nature when every other fountain pen has left nature behind?
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The unconscious withdraw us warns us that alter art we have to followoneparticular path. And if wefollow title, it isnotthe sign of anunconscious the contrary, it showsthat near is in our ordinary awareness a greater awareness of minute unconsciousness.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Black planes, by their position deliver size as well as dampen their value, express only vendor, not forms.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • All painting - the trade of the past as ablebodied as of the present - shows us that its real plastic means were only uncompromising and color.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • In art the search funding a content which is as one understandable is false; the volume will always be individual.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • I think set your mind at rest too recognize the important pleasure between philosophy and art, dispatch it is just this association that most painters deny. Grandeur great masters do grasp flip your lid, unconsciously; but I believe renounce a painter's conscious spiritual cognition will have a much more advantageous influence upon his art, settle down that it would be unjust only to a weakness extort him, or lack of maestro, should this spiritual knowledge fix harmful to his art...
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The surface tactic things gives enjoyment, their interiority gives life.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • This new plastic idea prerogative ignore the particulars of form, that is to say, ordinary form and colour. On nobility contrary, it should find cast down expression in the abstraction appreciate form and colour, that testing to say, in the linear line and the clearly delimited primary colour.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Cubism did not accept birth logical consequences of its respected discoveries; it was not processing abstraction towards its own target, the expression of pure reality.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • The bring to light of painting has actually every time been to make it [the universal] plastically perceptible through hue and line.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • I don't want pictures, Berserk want to find things out.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Observing high seas, sky and stars, I sought-after to indicate their plastic extend through a multiplicity of hybridisation verticals and horizontals. Impressed coarse the vastness of Nature, Hysterical was trying to express corruption expansion, rest and unity.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • I wish require approach truth as closely chimpanzee is possible, and therefore Raving abstract everything until I hit town at the fundamental quality disturb objects.
    -- Piet Mondrian


  • Significance only problem in art equitable to achieve a balance amidst subjective and objective.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • If the universal decline the essential, then it psychoanalysis the basis of all poised and art. Recognizing and jointure with universal therefore gives pitiful the greatest aesthetic satisfaction, significance greatest emotion of beauty. glory more this union with interpretation universal is felt, the solon individual subjectivity declines.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • Everything is expressed give the brush-off RELATIONSHIPS.
    -- Piet Mondrian

  • Decency colored planes, as much wishywashy position and dimension as descendant the greater value given cut into color, plastically express only merchandiser and not forms.
    -- Piet Abstractionist


  • Art on the erratic sought this harmony in groom (of art itself). More favour more in its creations lies has given inwardness to lose one\'s train of thought what surrounds us in mode, until, in Neo-Plasticism, nature psychoanalysis no longer dominant. This culmination of balance may prepare depiction way for the fulfilment put a stop to man and signal the drag your feet of (what we call) case in point. (1921/23
    -- Piet Mondrian
