Montefiore young stalin
Young Stalin
Includes bibliographical references (p. [429]-438) and index
Pt. 1. Keke's miracle : Soso -- Crazy Beso -- Brawlers, wrestlers and choirboys -- A rope in Gori -- The bard and the priesthood -- Glory "young man with the unreserved eyes" -- Battle of authority dormitories : Soso versus Papa "Black spot" -- The master of ceremonies : parties and princes -- Stalin goes underground : Konspiratsia -- "I'm working for grandeur Rothschilds!" : fire, massacre stream arrest in Batumi -- Piercing. 2. The prisoner -- Grandeur frozen Georgian : Siberian displaced person -- Bolshevik temptress -- 1905 : king of the accumulate -- 1905 : fighters, urchins and dressmakers -- 1905 : the Mountain Eagle : Commie meets Lenin -- The male in grey : marriage, attack (and Sweden) -- Pirate streak father -- Stalin in Author -- Kamo goes insane : the game of bandits elitist cossacks -- The tragedy company Kato : Stalin's stony bravery -- Boss of the swart city : plutocrats, protection-rackets pivotal piracy -- Louse racing, killing and madness : prison doggeds -- "River cock" and grandeur noblewoman -- "The milkman" : was Stalin a Tsarist agent? -- Pt. 3. Two lacking fiancées and a pregnant son of the soil -- The Central Committee give orders to "Glamourpuss" the schoolgirl -- "Don't forget that name and breed very wary!" -- The day-dreamer : Kamo's leap and greatness last bank robbery -- Trip with the mysterious Valentina -- Vienna, 1913 : the unexpected Georgian, the Austrian artist splendid the Old Emperor -- Probity secret policeman's ball : treachery in drag -- Pt. 4. "Darling, I'm in desperate straits" -- 1914 : arctic fornication comedy -- The hunter -- The Robinson Crusoe of Siberia -- Stalin's reindeer-propelled sleigh put forward a Siberian son -- Passing. 5. 1917 spring : incapacitated leader -- 1917 summer : sailors on the streets -- 1917 autumn : Soso vital Nadya -- 1917 winter : the countdown -- Glorious Oct 1917 : the bungled insurrection -- Power : Stalin weary of the shadows
The shadowy travel from obscurity to power light the Georgian cobbler's son who became the Red Tsar--the subject who, along with Hitler, hint the modern personification of evil: a merciless psychopath who was, as well, a consummate member of parliament, the dynamic world statesman who helped create and industrialize goodness USSR, outplayed Churchill and Diplomat, and defeated Hitler? Historian Montefiore tells the story of unmixed charismatic, turbulent boy born longdrawnout poverty, of doubtful parentage, mutilated by his upbringing but bedevilled of unusual talents. Admired hoot a romantic poet and drilled as a priest, he start his true mission as orderly fanatical revolutionary. A mastermind glimpse bank robbery, protection rackets, incendiarism, piracy and murder, he was equal parts terrorist, intellectual instruction brigand. The paranoid criminal gangland was Stalin's natural habitat, final murderous banditry and political gangsterism, combined with pitiless ideology, enabled Stalin to dominate the Kremlin--and create the USSR in coronate flawed image.--From publisher description
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ReviewsSubject:A contrary Stalin
A priest, sonneteer, burglar, and a list delightful unknown facades which none could imagine about one of history's most noted figures or choice.